As we roll into February, many of us are finally emerging from the haze of years of parenting through COVID. It's been years of Netlfix binges, working on Zoom, and unlimited snacking, and if you're anything like me, you...
Social distancing. It’s a term I’d never even heard of until last week. Now it’s the phrase that’s supposed to dictate how we live our lives, at least for right now. I’ve read the articles and watched the visual...
Imagine you’re staring your biggest, scariest nightmare right in the face. You know you feel like crying, you might even get angry, and you definitely don’t want to feel it. Your body reacts with chills, sweats, and tremors. You’re...

Dear Scale: It Is Over

For as long as I can remember, I have been in a toxic relationship with my scale. For the better part of my “adulthood” I have measured more than a number on its digital display, admittedly way more than...
ACMB is happy to partner with Remedy Urgent Care to share information about their services with our readers.  This is a sponsored post.   School drop-off. Work. Pick-up. Swimming. Reading minutes. Sight words. Dinner. Bath. Bed. I feel like we’re insanely...
A few weeks ago, I ran into a friend at Sam’s Club whom I hadn’t seen in more than four years, when my first baby was born. When I saw her, I happily approached her to say hi, and...
We have partnered with New Balance San Antonio to kick off our 2014: Hit the Ground Running Series.  Last week, we covered all you need to know about the gear you need - shoes, sports bras and weather appropriate...
Gather 'round, kiddos, and let me tell you a little story about what happens when mama goes to the gym. As a matter of fact, the act of getting to the gym is, for a mom, a killer workout...
“Are YOU doing okay…?” I remember this conversation like it was yesterday. I was at my oldest daughter’s three-month well-check, and I was very much NOT okay. My daughter’s pediatrician asked how things were going, almost with a slight laugh,...
How many trick-or-treaters will you have this Halloween? 10? 20? More? One out of every 13 is likely to have a food allergy. I know, it gets old: gluten-free, dairy-free, fun-free, whatever-free. Most schools now offer allergy-friendly zones. As frustrating and cumbersome as it...
"Oh, honey, that stress will kill you." This is what the emergency room nurse said to me while completing my intake. It is not hard to see that the past two years have increased my stress level: Working for...
It’s April. I’ve stuck to my New Year's resolution, and I’m still going to the gym. Thanks for checking in! While you're here, could you compliment my biceps? Don’t they look toned? Am I crazy, or does my hair...
This past weekend a big event happened that we had been waiting for (dreading really) a couple weeks now. My kiddos first baby tooth fell out! I knew it was going to happen someday but it felt like that...
A collaboration with the South Texas Poison Center, UT Health San Antonio Summer is officially here and with everyone hanging out at home more, we could all use a good refresher on how to keep our kiddos safe from common...


Alamo City-Area Library Summer Reading Programs

Summer is upon us, and the name of the game is, "Keep the Kids Occupied." Many schools send home summer reading tasks but reading...