A Covidversary

This time last year I was ramping up to head to Mexico for my mom’s 60th birthday. Being one of four kids, trying to get us all in the same place at once is always a feat. We started...
What do The Pandemic, working from home, and a freak winter storm in Texas have in common? If you guessed the ability to put a damper on the romance in your relationship, then you're right! These days, we are...
Of all of the humiliations I suffered when going through a divorce, realizing that I had no idea what the state of my finances were was high on the list. On the day that I filed, I sat before...
Pandemic baby jokes aside - Valentine's Day might be the most challenging holiday to celebrate while social distancing or limiting your out-of-the-house activities. While many couples choose to stay in for Valentine's Day no matter what the global pandemic...
This post was updated in January 2021, it was originally published in February 2015. With Valentine’s Day (and—ahem—the accompanying movie release of Fifty Shades of Grey) soon approaching, I think it’s safe to assume that many of us might have...
Quarantine is a lot of things, but sexy isn’t one of them. It doesn’t matter if you’re home alone, empty nesters, or home with a flock of children flailing about, sex just may not be on the brain right...

Marriage in Quarantine

As we navigate through these next few weeks, our new routines as a family are and will be constantly changing. We have gotten used to each other, REALLY used to each other. The space from one side of the...
This month, I celebrated my 15-year wedding anniversary, and I know it sounds cliché, but I cannot believe we've been married that many years. Perhaps it would be better to measure the years in all the different hairstyles I've...
Alamo City Moms Blog is thrilled to partner with the Institute for Couple and Family Enhancement to help you maintain relationship satisfaction after parenthood. The following is a sponsored post, written by guest blogger Dr. Melissa McVicker. So you're...
I’ve had multiple conversations about our society’s tendency to praise fathers for completing tasks that mothers are often expected to do without acknowledgment. This includes combing daughters’ hair, changing diapers, bathing children, attending parent-teacher conferences, and many others. It...
When I originally filed for divorce, it wasn’t something I’d planned on doing—for a number of reasons. For one, no one walks down the aisle anticipating a less-than-lifetime commitment. Secondly, although I won’t be going into the particulars of...
The piñata is strung up. Balloons are inflated, and streamers are everywhere. The hot dogs and hamburgers are ready, toppings spread out in ice to keep cool. A giant orange cooler of Kool-aid is chilling. The cake has been...
I grew up in a volatile home with a mentally ill mother whose emotions and interactions could swing from fits of giggles to fear-inducing explosions in a matter of minutes. On the surface we were a happy, devoutly religious...

Why I Talk to My Husband

There's some really hard stuff about marriage (that—gasp!—doesn’t involve our children) that we need to talk about, and it's not what you think. The hard stuff I’m talking about happens between the passionate love-making and the drawn-out, ego-fueled fights. The...


10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as a Family in...

When you’re in the thick of parenting kids — especially little ones — it can be difficult to find the time (or inclination!) to...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?