The Explosion of Life Lessons

What to do as a parent/human/soul when the life lessons are coming at you too fast to count? These days, it seems like I can’t keep up with the conversations I’m supposed to be having as a parent, the...
November third has come and gone. Yet things are still kind of, as we say in the South, a hot mess. Certainly no one thought Election Day would be a miraculous healing for our country's ailments, but I think...
Please be sure to note, this post applies to Bexar County voters only. If you are registered to vote in a different county, please check with that local election administrator for the most updated rules and procedures. I've been a...
My favorite thing about fall is finally getting to wear jeans again. Jeans are my favorite item of clothing. It seems like every four to eight years, the fashion gods tell us that a new style is in. Remember...
It's 6:45 AM, and I've just dropped my own kids at their babysitter's house. I signed them both up to go back to in-person school, but they're in the last tier to go back and I returned to my...
Between work conferences, volunteer board meetings, and distance learning, I am simply and unapologetically done with looking at anyone over a computer screen. At first, when it seemed as though everyone and every group was hosting happy hours online, I...
It’s 2020. We’re in the middle of a global pandemic, social distancing has become something we accept, because at least it’s some sort of human interaction and if you’re friends are anything like mine, EVERYONE is pregnant. Between now...
In late June my family contracted COVID-19. It was far and away one of the least favorite experiences of our lives. My husband I were, unfortunately, super sick. Our small children (4 & 2), never showed any symptoms. The...
We’ve all seen the memes about 2020 so far. We’ve laughed at the YouTube videos and nodded our heads in agreement as the phrases resonate all too well with our lives. Currently, I am taking a break from the...
For many of us the school year started remotely, pushing kids' screen time through the roof. Like many adults know, sitting at a desk looking at a computer or tablet all day can be tedious and tiresome for even...
When I hear the phrase “back to school”, I think of crowded aisles filled to the brim with shiny new supplies--the endless options of crayons, colored pencils, regular pencils, and pens that will never fit inside those sequin-swathed pencil...

A River and a Harbor

Within days, my perspective on immigration was changed with a visit from a river to a harbor. About this time last year, I flew to New York City with my mom and my four-year-old to babysit my nephew for a week....
Dear 2020 Moms, Do not give up.  I know it’s been a tough six months.  We’ve obviously been living in a time warp that made each month 500 days long, and now the school year is about to begin. You’ve been...
Ready or not, the start of the 2020-2021 school year approaches quickly, and for many of us that means a return to distance learning. The COVID-19 pandemic brought us a school year none of us expected, and understandably our...


10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as a Family in...

When you’re in the thick of parenting kids — especially little ones — it can be difficult to find the time (or inclination!) to...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?