July's arrival means there's a good chance you've already survived summer's biggest downer: swimsuit shopping! But, there's also a good chance that you haven't been able to lose those pounds you vowed you'd get off before you wore it....
One of my favorite parts of my job as a doula and childbirth educator is helping parents make a birth plan. This is not for the reason you’d expect though! I like birth plans for the exercise. The process...

The Alarm of Anxiety

May is Mental Health Month, which includes National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week. Throughout the day, we will be sharing posts on anxiety. We’re coming out from hiding - shedding light on an all-too-often dark subject. I live in my head...

On Armpit Hair

Look, an armpit selfie! This is a typical look for me. I rarely shave it all off or let it all grow out. Just a nice trim—the armpit hair equivalent of a Caesar cut. Women’s armpit hair seems be a fashion...
It’s a rough go these days, embracing this "love your body" campaign. If I’m being really honest with you, I don’t totally love mine most of the time right now. Yep, I said it. I recently read an article...
It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was sitting in one of many professional development meetings the week before school started. I cleared my throat for the 8 millionth time and attempted to suppress a cough. "Don't cough or...
The reasons I don’t drink alcohol are more complicated than a quick five-item list, but perhaps not drinking is something you’ve considered for your own life. Or maybe, with the start of a fresh, new year, you’re looking to...
Social distancing. It’s a term I’d never even heard of until last week. Now it’s the phrase that’s supposed to dictate how we live our lives, at least for right now. I’ve read the articles and watched the visual...
Kids seem to make for a busy season of life. And when you're in that season, it’s easy to get wrapped up in all the commitments: sports, activities, playdates, not to mention work. Before you know it, every time...
My mother-in-law once told me a story of a mom who was at a breaking point and needed a few moments to herself. It was the 1950s, and she was raising eight kids on the South Side of Chicago...
Can you recall the first dream you had for your child? Or the first desire you had for them to live out — perhaps before they were even born?  I can remember mine clearly, but the more I have thought...
Are you pregnant? Are you looking for something that can:  Improve sleep? Reduce stress and anxiety? Increase the strength, flexibility, and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth? Decrease lower back pain, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, headaches, and shortness...
Alamo City Moms Blog is honored to partner with Methodist Children’s Hospital to share more about their Level IV NICU. This is a sponsored post. In a perfect world, parents wouldn’t need to trouble themselves with learning more about...
Disclaimer: This post is the first of four in a series about one ACMB Team Member's experience with infant loss. We understand that this post may include language and ideas that are difficult or traumatizing to some readers and...


¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio? is a weekly update on family friendly and focused events in the Greater San Antonio area, including Boerne, New Braunfels,...