It was a Tuesday afternoon and I was sitting in one of many professional development meetings the week before school started. I cleared my throat for the 8 millionth time and attempted to suppress a cough. "Don't cough or...
It’s that time of year. Mother Nature is bipolar, giving us temperatures ranging from blazing to freezing in a matter of hours. Everyone is trapped indoors, coughing. Sniffles begin, and germs go wild. No matter how many times you...
We are excited to have partnered with our advertising sponsor Medifast Texas to bring you information about getting healthy and becoming the best version of yourself. On June 10, I started a new chapter in my life to lose my baby weight,...
Sleepovers. This single compound word strikes deep emotions -- from excitement to dread. Some of us get excited recalling overnights with BFFs; silly phone calls; ghost stories; up all night and eating Doritos with cream cheese. (If you haven’t...
It's February! Where did January go? Are your "get in shape" New Year resolutions already a distant memory? Are you looking for a way to jump-start your fitness routine? Well, step right up. I have a grab-bag of nifty...
Today, I wear black and white.  And each January 31 for the rest of my life, I will wear black and white.  I do this because January 31 is Omphalocele Awareness Day.  Earlier this year, I shared our story...
What is one thing you do every day to improve or support your health? Mine is juicing! I juice because it tastes great and I adore doing it! I love knowing that I’m gifting my body all the electrolytes,...
The lyric "next year all our troubles will be out of sight" has always taunted me. As far back as I can recall, whenever I heard the song, I thought of a problem that I wanted to disappear into...
It’s hot!! And the heat is here to stay, with KSAT News predicting that this year San Antonio will beat its record for the most 100-degree days. But we love summer and we need our kids to stay active...
"I noticed you didn't eat your lunch today. Talk to me a little more about that." In all honesty, this wasn't the first time I had noticed. For several days she had been eating her lunch in the car...
My daughter started showing signs of extreme sensitivity to sounds when she was a preschooler. Like most kids her age, she hated loud, unexpected noises, but what affected her the most were small, everyday, innocuous noises. She’d lose her...

The End of Optimism

My spiritual director recently described the difference between optimism and hope, as it relates to the season of the coronavirus. Optimism is what we see on Instagram. “It’s all going to be okay!” “Bake your sourdough bread!” Hope, as...
We are honored to partner with University Health System to share this sponsored post highlighting the work of pediatric physical therapists at the UHS Reeves Rehabilitation Center. At University Health System’s Reeves Rehabilitation Center, an odd-looking suit is helping children learn to...
Reality check: we’re halfway through the summer. Phew! And by this point we’re all tired of answering the infamous “can I have another snack?” question. Seriously, though, how do these tiny humans eat. so. darn. much? While I can’t...


DIY Fiesta Decorations – Hanging Ribbon Rings

Call it a ribbon ring, a hanging wreath, or an elaborate version of a windsock - but when you see these going up in...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?