I was folding laundry a couple of weeks ago and I came across a bottle of Urine Gone on my laundry room shelf. As I looked at the $8 bottle of magical spray, it occurred to me that I wished that I didn’t know what Urine Gone was, but that I was also really glad that I knew about it when I needed it (as a mom of 4 boys, I’ve needed it more often than I care to admit!). The laundry room incident got me to thinking about what other things I had in my home that I’m extremely grateful for, but that I had also never heard of before children.
Here is a list that I came up with while going through my bathroom cabinets:
- Nit Free Lice Comb: Oh how I wish I didn’t have to know this one. Last Summer, my husband came home from taking our son to the barber where they refused to cut his hair because he had lice. My head still itches just thinking about it! The boys were no big deal, we just shaved their heads, but picking through my daughters hair was bad … until we got this comb! (This post was also a lifesaver.)
- Lanolin Cream: I wrote before about some of my feelings on breastfeeding, and let me just say that if you’re about to have a baby, you should get yourself some lanolin, and a lot of it!
- Peri-Bottles: I don’t need to explain this one. If you’ve delivered a baby you know, and if you’re about to, you’ll find out!
- Coconut Oil: I have a couple of children with pretty bad eczema, and after trying pretty much every expensive cream on the market, I’ve found that using coconut oil on their skin is the best thing for it.
- Melaleuca Oil: This one is a double whammy, I mix it in with the coconut oil for the dry skin, and I also spray it on my kids’ hair before school in the morning because lice don’t like the smell!
- Epi Pen: We have a nut allergy in our house, and so we keep an Epi Pen in case of emergency. I’m grateful we’ve never had to use it, but I’m even more grateful for the technology that allows us to have it in the first place.
- Dr. Smith’s Spray Diaper Rash Ointment: This is a new one, but it’s a game changer. This has the added bonus of supporting a local business.
- Infant Gas Drops: My oldest child had colic and we went through a lot of crying before someone recommended gas drops. I’m pretty sure they saved my sanity!
What are some of your life necessities that you would prefer not to have to know about?
Urine Gone! I need this! (I wish I didn’t have to know about it, but I need it!)