Education is a passion of mine.  As a first grade teacher, I have the honor of teaching children to read.  I truly love my job.  I also have the unique role of developing a relationship with parents and their...
Fluff. Turn. Stare. As I gently prepared my babies' nursery for their arrival, I began to think about all the things that could go awry with their birth. I was 24 weeks pregnant with twins and home on bed rest, a tubutaline pump...
Our son, Field, was born in June of 2010.  We had experienced a healthy and normal pregnancy and we were joyfully expecting the same in our newborn days with our son.  I had 2 ultrasounds during my pregnancy and...
It was one of those days.  Both kids woke up cranky, my husband was out of town, naps were too short, someone was pushed into the corner of the wall, milk was spilled at dinner, tears were shed, Mommy...
It is with immense gratitude that I profess my awe in all that you do. I know you went to college to become a general education teacher. You selected this profession despite the long hours with little pay. The...
March is learning disabilities month. I like the phrase Different Learners (DL). For the rest of this post, I'll use DL to refer to Different Learners/Learning. Those are also my initials. So, there's that. When my kids struggle with someone,...
As moms, we have an innate need to nourish our children as we see best fit. And when we can't, it really stinks. When my twins were born six weeks premature weighing four pounds and without the sucking reflex, I...
If you looked inside my purse a few months ago, you would’ve found a baggie with a penny taped to a popsicle stick, a button hanging from some yarn, and a bunch of other strange objects. These were all...
ACMB is gladly partnering with Be A Hero to share information about their mental health services. This is a sponsored post.  Anxiety came angrily crashing into my family’s life one May night. My husband and I left our two children...
If your child was recently diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum, you probably have a lot of questions.  Our family is not very far along in this journey, and I have to be honest - this was emotionally draining for me...
As part of Alamo City Mom's blog partnership with Brain Balance Achievement Centers- San Antonio, I had the opportunity to sit down with a mother who has first hand experience with the Brain Balance program.  This post is the...
October is a celebration month. We celebrate cooler weather, pumpkin everything, and the start of the holidays. October is equally special in our home because we celebrate Spina Bifida Awareness month. For us it is truly about celebration. Spina Bifida...
Last week Alamo City Moms Blog had the opportunity to celebrate the Grand Opening of San Antonio's Brain Balance Achievement Center. This new resource, brought here by local momtrenpreneur Amanda Petter, is part of a network of centers designed...
Imagine this scene: you are at your child’s two year check-up, and are given a side eye from the doctor because you dared to say: “Oh, no - they aren’t doing that just yet.” The pediatrician will likely give...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?