Most of the time, parenting a child with special needs is similar to parenting a neuro-typical child. We have peaks and valleys, but I’ve noticed they are often higher and sometimes lower than those of my child’s peers. I...
October is a celebration month. We celebrate cooler weather, pumpkin everything, and the start of the holidays. October is equally special in our home because we celebrate Spina Bifida Awareness month. For us it is truly about celebration. Spina Bifida...

God Winks

When my oldest son was three years old, he didn't speak much. It wasn’t a huge concern at the time because both his dad and great-uncle were late talkers, as was Albert Einstein, so he had that going for...
Fidget toys are fun for everyone, and for children with special needs they can be part of an effective learning strategy. As you may remember, my son, F.T., is on the autism spectrum, and we have lots of fidget...
October is National Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness Month. If you don't know what Sensory Processing Disorder (or SPD) is, don't feel bad. I didn't either when my pediatrician first mentioned it. According to my best friend and most trusted advisor WebMD, sensory...
It is with immense gratitude that I profess my awe in all that you do. I know you went to college to become a general education teacher. You selected this profession despite the long hours with little pay. The...
Silence was all around me as I swayed in the rocking chair with my sleeping four-month-old son. Fancy electrodes covered his tiny forehead, and squishy ear buds lay in his baby ears. Silence mixed with the hushed voices of...
Sleep is important. If you don’t believe that, ask any parent, as we all can attest to the terrible, awful, no-good sleepless nights we trucked through with our newborns. To cope with the lack of this precious commodity, we often...
“Do not try. Do.”—Yoda It started when she was about three years old. Our beautiful girl had trouble with words. I didn’t catch it as soon as my husband did because I stayed home with her all day, and she...
A few months ago I wrote a blog post about my daughter’s struggle with Pediatric Autoimmune Disorder Associated with Strep (PANDAS) and PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Disorder). With PANDAS, the brain becomes inflamed by a misdirected autoimmune response to...
Today, March 21st, we celebrate World Down Syndrome Day! All over the world, those with and without an extra chromosome rejoice the presence of those individuals with three copies of the 21st chromosome. There are parades in the streets...
There’s so much I can share about the journey of having a daughter with Down syndrome: The surprise post-natal diagnosis, the joy we found in a sea of fears that first year, and ultimately how it’s not the biggest...
ACMB is gladly partnering with Be A Hero to share information about their mental health services. This is a sponsored post.  Anxiety came angrily crashing into my family’s life one May night. My husband and I left our two children...
Alamo City Moms Blog is excited to have Brighton Center as a partner and bring you information on their wonderful resources, classes, and fundraisers for children with special needs. Parents of a child with special needs will do anything they can to...


¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio? is a weekly update on family friendly and focused events in the Greater San Antonio area, including Boerne, New Braunfels,...