March is learning disabilities month. I like the phrase Different Learners (DL). For the rest of this post, I'll use DL to refer to Different Learners/Learning. Those are also my initials. So, there's that. When my kids struggle with someone,...
I was shocked when I was informed that my son was struggling at preschool.  He was four and I thought he was having a tough time adjusting to his routine and new classroom. My husband and I were called into...
As part of our partnership with Brain Balance Center of North San Antonio, we are bringing ACMB readers a series of posts throughout the month of March that focus on Learning Disabilities including information, treatments, and success stories.  This...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices to make about what is best for you, your family, and your child. We at Alamo City Moms Blog have a variety of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of...
To the parent of a child with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD): I'm so grateful our paths have crossed. I want to take this opportunity to tell you how brave you are and how much I admire you. I know you, because...
As moms, we have an innate need to nourish our children as we see best fit. And when we can't, it really stinks. When my twins were born six weeks premature weighing four pounds and without the sucking reflex, I...
One thing I love about kids is their eagerness to befriend others. Whenever we visit the playground, I enjoy watching these cute, little humans accept each other immediately and wholeheartedly—it makes my heart happy. So imagine my surprise when...
ACMB is gladly partnering with Be A Hero to share information about their mental health services. This is a sponsored post.  Anxiety came angrily crashing into my family’s life one May night. My husband and I left our two children...
Imagine this scene: you are at your child’s two year check-up, and are given a side eye from the doctor because you dared to say: “Oh, no - they aren’t doing that just yet.” The pediatrician will likely give...
October is National Sensory Processing Disorder Awareness Month. If you don't know what Sensory Processing Disorder (or SPD) is, don't feel bad. I didn't either when my pediatrician first mentioned it. According to my best friend and most trusted advisor WebMD, sensory...
“Do not try. Do.”—Yoda It started when she was about three years old. Our beautiful girl had trouble with words. I didn’t catch it as soon as my husband did because I stayed home with her all day, and she...
One of your friends or relatives might have a special needs child, and maybe you're never quite sure what to say.  You don't want to make your friend uncomfortable or say the wrong thing, so maybe you don't say...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

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