Inga Cotton

Inga Cotton
Inga is passionate about parent-driven education: helping parents be the best advocates for their children, finding the right schools (or homeschooling resources), and enjoying San Antonio's variety of arts and cultural events for families. She was born in California but has called Texas home since high school. She works part time as a lawyer and also blogs at San Antonio Charter Moms. Her eight-year-old son, F.T., and five-year-old daughter, G.N., attend a public charter school in the heart of the city. She married a techie and is a bit of a geek herself.

Getting Out of the House with Young Children in San Antonio

You’re sipping a morning coffee and asking yourself, Should I grab the kids and go somewhere today? Or should we stay in? Our family usually answers, “Go somewhere!” San Antonio has tons of fun...

Life Hacks for Families with School-Age Children

It feels like our family life is a series of life hacks: time-saving tricks that make the impossible seem doable again. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if these life hacks stopped working. Which...

Inga’s Au-some Guide to Fidget Toys

Fidget toys are fun for everyone, and for children with special needs they can be part of an effective learning strategy. As you may remember, my son, F.T., is on the autism spectrum, and...

School Calendars for Districts in the San Antonio Area

There are a lot of school districts in San Antonio, and each school district calendar is a little different. Maybe you saved that handout from meet-the-teacher night, or maybe you didn't. Either way, you...
Open coworking space at The Impact Guild | Alamo City Moms Blog

Mompreneurs’ Guide to Coworking Spaces in San Antonio

Coworking spaces, defined by Harvard Business Review as "membership-based workspaces where diverse groups of freelancers, remote workers, and other independent professionals work together in a shared, communal setting," help workers thrive. For moms, who...
Aerial view of Puget Sound in Washington, USA | Alamo City Moms Blog

Getaways with Kids on Nonstop Flights from San Antonio International Airport

When it comes to traveling with kids, especially air travel, the contributors at Alamo City Moms Blog have done our fair share, as you can see from the list of related links at the...

New and Exciting Things Coming to San Antonio in 2019 and Beyond

San Antonio is more than 300 years old now and just hitting its stride. It's already a great place to raise a family and entertain out-of-town guests, and soon we will have even more...

Shop at San Antonio Farmers Markets for Healthy Family Eating

Farmers markets are a great way to build healthy eating habits as a family. You start out by going to buy some fruits and veggies, and maybe a snack. Along the way you might...

School Calendars for Districts in the San Antonio Area, 2018–19 Edition

  As you make plans for summer, you need to know when your kids go back to school. Here is a roundup of school district calendars for the San Antonio area. Print one out and...
Family Adventure Garden at the San Antonio Botanical Garden | Alamo City Moms Blog

Family Adventure Garden at the San Antonio Botanical Garden

At the San Antonio Botanical Garden—an advertising partner of Alamo City Moms Blog—the Family Adventure Garden is now open, and it will probably be your kids' new favorite place to go this summer. The...

Moms Support Local Nonprofits for the Big Give San Antonio

Every year, the Big Give San Antonio rallies community members to support local nonprofit organizations. For 24 hours—from midnight on Thursday, March 22 to midnight on Friday, March 23, 2018—organizers will track online donations and report...
The Places We Go to Find Ourselves: A Midlife Mom Tries Floating, Caving, Indoor Skydiving, and Dreambuilding | Alamo City Moms Blog

The Places We Go to Find Ourselves: A Midlife Mom Tries Floating, Caving, Indoor...

What places will we go to find ourselves? Motherhood in midlife raises new questions: Is this who I'm supposed to be when I grow up? What are my core values? What kind of example...
HIS science fair project, not OURS | Alamo City Moms Blog

HIS Science Fair Project, Not OURS

I opened the packet and read the first line: "All students in 3rd–5th grades are required to complete a science fair project." The key word in that sentence is "students." My son, F.T., was...

New and Exciting Things Coming to San Antonio in 2018 and Beyond

    San Antonio is already a great place to live, and it's getting more interesting all the time. We wanted to share our excitement with this list of new attractions, shops, restaurants, and more that...