
Danielle is a minivan-driving, Rick Ross-listening, wannabe Whole 30-eating mama to three little blessings. Born and raised in Florida, she is a Texan by marriage to Zach, whom she wooed with her passion for college football (go, Gators!). Their oldest is seven and rocking an extra chromosome, while their middle daughter is just extra in all things, like the red glitter tutu she insists on wearing 24/7, and their new baby boy is everything she never knew she always wanted. Danielle recently decided she will be on maternity leave for the next 18 years but continues to enjoy her work as a Speech-Language Pathologist in addition to the SAHM position. She is a passionate advocate for individuals with disabilities and enjoys discussions on chakras, faith, and The Walking Dead.

Best Toys for Speech and Language Development

As a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist, I covet the toys that make kids excited to work with me. I also know the simplicity of a toy can lead to engagement and reciprocation—what kids need most...

School Excuse Notes: Keeping it Real

We may have started off strong in August and September, but let's face it: we're a little bit less ambitious about making sure our kids are on time for school now that the weather...

How to Be a Friend to a Mom of a Child with Special Needs

Most of the time, parenting a child with special needs is similar to parenting a neuro-typical child. We have peaks and valleys, but I’ve noticed they are often higher and sometimes lower than those...

Morgan’s Wonderland: More Than a Summer Hot Spot

You can feel the magic at Morgan’s Wonderland the minute you enter their doors. People of all abilities help you purchase a ticket and secure an armband on your child, who is most likely...

Save Me with a Seat: Free Child Car Seat Inspections with TxDOT

Alamo City Moms is partnering with TxDOT to share information about the Save Me with a Seat campaign. This is a sponsored post.  Parents know that we are transporting the most precious of cargo every...

10 Date Ideas for Summer Nights in San Antonio

School's out, and parents deserve a break too! With a selection of activities ranging in budget, a summer date night allows us to reconnect just when we need it most. Remember, our city is...

Coping with a New Medical Diagnosis

At times you may question whether you can sustain it: the unknown, the fear, the constant adrenaline that courses through tired veins as you accept you have a medically fragile child, one who needs...

Top 25 Ways You Know the School Year Is Almost Over

Ah, May. How can you even begin to describe the rat race that is May when you're a mom? Between the field trips, awards ceremonies, end-of-year parties, STAAR test prep, etc., it seems like...

The Mysterious World of Playdates

My daughter has made a friend. A smart, kind, and funny little friend from school started to pop up in conversation, and after I was assured she wasn’t imaginary, I celebrated knowing how much...

Meditation: Self-care for Busy Moms

Nearly a year ago, a friend sent me the link to a 21-day meditation course. It was free, easily accessible via an app on my phone, and not very time consuming, so I signed...

Pringles and Wine Pairings: The Revolution Begins

If you find yourself ready to pop the cork, why not pop the top on a classic—dare we say trendy?—snack and maybe save a glass while you're at it? Expertly* paired and ready for...

A Thorn and a Rose: The Easiest Way to Start Communicating with Your Kids

As a speech language pathologist, I have a passion for facilitating communication in my home—even more so because we have a child with a language delay and hearing loss. But at times, if the...

San Antonio for the Non-Native, A to Z

I’ll give it to you straight, because I’m a Texan now. I am continuously amazed at this unique city I have come to love and claim as my own after marrying a native. There...

To the General Education Teachers with Students with Special Needs

It is with immense gratitude that I profess my awe in all that you do. I know you went to college to become a general education teacher. You selected this profession despite the long...