Este mes, cumplo 10 años de trabajar para la compañía que me vio convertirme en mamá y no puedo evitar pensar en lo mucho que han cambiado las cosas desde que inicié. Hace poco, observaba a una de mis...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices to make about what is best for you, your family, and your child.  We at Alamo City Moms Blog have a variety of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of feeling...
I have three kids. Two of them (not to name names, but the first two) were fairly easy small people to raise. I swear to you, they never had tantrums. They never screamed "NO!" at me (at least until...

A Covidversary

This time last year I was ramping up to head to Mexico for my mom’s 60th birthday. Being one of four kids, trying to get us all in the same place at once is always a feat. We started...

It’s Music Time

Music can play a critical part in child development, which is why we are excited to partner with Music Masters to bring Alamo City Moms Blog readers information about local music classes for children. Learning music has been proven to...
I remember the first diaper I ever changed on my daughter. It was the longest two minutes ever and I thought I might have damaged her for life. Not because anything bad happened, but because I started thinking about...
Our son, Field, was born in June of 2010.  We had experienced a healthy and normal pregnancy and we were joyfully expecting the same in our newborn days with our son.  I had 2 ultrasounds during my pregnancy and...
When I analyze the situation I’m in now, I realize it all began when my girlfriends let me down. Not the girlfriends I call for advice, support, and the enjoyable consumption of adult beverages, but "the girls” in my...
My bag is packed, I am 37 weeks tomorrow, and I am really hoping for some encouraging news the next time my OB examines my cervix. I am done, mamas. This is baby #3, pregnancy #5, and I am...
When I had my daughter at the end of January, I knew that my world would be rocked forever. I felt like I had just gotten into a good groove parenting my 5-year-old son, and I finally thought, “Okay,...
My daughter just finished her freshman year and—full disclosure—this time last year I was a nervous wreck about sending her to high school. Oddly enough, I had the same exact concerns and apprehensions about sending her to high school...
Looking for more about great parks in San Antonio? Check out our updated guide! The Best Parks in San Antonio Hardberger:  it's the crown jewel of the San Antonio park system.  So much to do!  Such natural beauty!  If San Antonio...

Breastfriends, Assemble!

In my previous post, I outlined the benefits for babies who receive breast milk as much as possible. Today I want to talk about breastfeeding in how it relates to us mamas. Thinking about breastfeeding but feel unsure? Need some...
Fluff. Turn. Stare. As I gently prepared my babies' nursery for their arrival, I began to think about all the things that could go awry with their birth. I was 24 weeks pregnant with twins and home on bed rest, a tubutaline pump...


10 Things to Do with Mom in San Antonio

Looking for exciting ways to celebrate Mother's Day - or simply spend some quality time with Mom in San Antonio? From cultural experiences to...