Summer is quickly approaching, which can only mean one thing: Teacher Appreciation week is upon us! If you’re scrambling for a last minute gift idea, I've got you covered. Tell your child's teacher that they are "On Point!" with...
This San Antonio schools guide is a paid listing opportunity, brought to you by Alamo City Moms as well as the many school partners listed. Thank you to our sponsors who made this guide possible! We hope it is a...
One of my favorite times of the year is the moment that summer seasonal items transitions to pencils, notebook paper, and folders. OH MY! School supply lists have been donning the aisles of Walmart and Target since late June,...
We're just around the corner from the much anticipated return to school. Although you may be excited to have a sense of "normalcy" in your home again, you may also be dreading the amount of work it takes to...
Getting your little one’s first haircut is a rite of passage. Suddenly your baby, be it your first or last, doesn’t look quite like a baby anymore. With just a few snips of a hairdresser’s scissors, the sweet little...
This fall was an exciting one for us! My oldest daughter started kindergarten. As a teacher myself, I knew she would thrive, but I was also worried about the big transition from a small private Pre-K to a very...
"I noticed you didn't eat your lunch today. Talk to me a little more about that." In all honesty, this wasn't the first time I had noticed. For several days she had been eating her lunch in the car...
It’s interesting how much of our kids’ lives are bookmarked by the stages of school. With my youngest heading to middle school, I’m mindful that our elementary years are over. (Yay for no more shoebox projects; boo for no...
Dear teachers,
As a mom to a gaggle of kids, I'm a little consumed this time of year. I've spent hours at the store going over different school supplies lists and checking off stuff as I throw it in my...
Believe it or not, it’s that time of year again! Back-to-school season is one of my favorite times of year. Aisles of every store in town are bursting with pencils, erasers, and stickers, and everyone is eager to get...
A rush of hot, humid wind seemed to lift and escape past me as I shut the back door of our van. In one hand I clutched a small trash bag and in the other a stack of fast...
As a mom who is always nutrition conscious first, I’m counting my blessings with being able to ensure my kids are eating great during their school day–at least while they are still home and in virtual school for the...
State and local protocols to begin the 2020-21 school year with distance learning is a reality for most, if not all, families of school-aged children. This necessary method of virtual instruction may be particularly difficult for students with special...
When I hear the phrase “back to school”, I think of crowded aisles filled to the brim with shiny new supplies--the endless options of crayons, colored pencils, regular pencils, and pens that will never fit inside those sequin-swathed pencil...