Teachers’ Tips for Getting Your Kids Ready for Back to School

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The first few days of school can be overwhelming and intimidating, even for returning students. While enjoying lazy days and loose schedules is one of the best parts of summer, there are small things we parents can be doing as the summer winds down to ready our kids for returning to the classroom. We asked some current and former teachers for their recommendations to help us set our students up for success for the new school year. Here are some great practical tips from teachers for getting your kids ready to go back to school:

1. Adjust Their Sleep Schedules

Start shifting sleep schedules at least a week before school starts so the early wake-up time isn’t so jarring. For the first week of school, try to plan for earlier-than-usual bedtimes to allow your kids to acclimate to their school schedule.

2. More Meals, Fewer Snacks

While you’re at it, start adjusting their eating schedules, too. Many kids (mine included) are on more of “graze all day” eating plan in the summer. Some teachers find that kids are hungry the first few days, as they are not used to eating at just one or two designated times in the school day (recess and lunch). As all parents know far too well, a hungry kid can easily be an irritable or overly emotional kid, so it’s important to set our kids up for more success — even if that means cutting the snacking cord during the last week or two of summer.

3. Test Drive School Lunches

Look, I love school lunch containers more than I should, so I understand all too well the excitement over the different shapes and features of containers. But if your kid cannot open their fantastic container, he/she will lose precious lunchtime as they wait for a lunchroom helper to assist. Make sure your kids can open containers, yogurt tubes, juice boxes, and whatever else you might be sending in their lunch. Also, be sure that they can actually eat their lunch in the time allowed — this is especially important for very young children who are going to pre-K for the first time. If they can’t do all of these things, it’s time to practice or re-think. You’ll find some great snack containers and nutritious options (for lunches and snacks!) here.

4. Teach Them to Tie Their Shoes

There are many books, toys, and online tutorials to teach your kids how to tie their shoes. Start early and give your kids time to practice this skill in a relaxed environment. If shoe-tying is not happening and velcro shoes are an option, go with velcro. If shoe-tying is not happening and a school uniform code dictates that laces must be worn, familiarize yourself with the double knot.

5. Talk about the First Day

This is especially applicable for first-time students or students moving up or heading to a new school. Let them know what to expect throughout the school day. Discuss where you will drop them off and where you will pick them up. If your child struggles with goodbyes, talk about how you will drop them off. Most teachers prefer a firm, quick, loving goodbye, as a lingering parting tends to make both the kids and parents emotional. Know that teachers are pros and are well adapted to quickly transition your kid into the classroom and distract them with an activity. You’ll find a list of great books for those going to school for the first time, here.

6. Go to Meet the Teacher Night

If your school has a Meet the Teacher night, make every effort to attend. Yes, it may be chaotic. Yes, you may have to make awkward small talk with other parents. But give your kids a chance to see their classroom, familiarize themselves with new faces, and at least say hello to their new teacher. Teachers work really, REALLY hard to make Meet the Teacher night organized and pleasant. Fill out ALL the paperwork that you are given promptly to make your teacher’s life much easier.

7. Dust-off Paper and Pencils

If your child has taken a break from writing with pencils and pens, help them get their penmanship skills back on point before school starts. Hand strength and pencil grip can weaken over the summer, leading to tired hands — and cranky kids— during the first few days back at school. Having your kids write in a journal, color in a coloring book, work on zentangles, and write letters to friends are all great ways to re-strenghten little hands in advance of the school year.

8. Practice Being a Good Person

I loved this quote from a friend regarding back-to-school preparation (posted with her permission): “I’d like parents to teach kids to be nice. To be polite. To look out for kids who may be having a hard time making friends. Teach kids HOW to make friends and how to be a good friend. Teach kids the proper way to address a teacher. And please teach kids what is acceptable behavior in the classroom! Too much emphasis on school supplies, not enough on behavioral/social preparation.” Amen.

9. Be Prepared for an Adjustment Period… For Everyone!

The first few days may be fantastic, awful, or somewhere in between. That is OK and quite normal. I personally find that the first and second days are quite exciting, but by days three, four, and five, our whole family is dragging and patience runs thin. When I go into the first week knowing that I will likely be (ahem, loudly) asking why shoes are not on yet and teeth are not brushed and “where the heck is your belt?” I’m able to extend a little more grace to both my kids and myself, and that is always a good thing.

This post was originally published in 2016, and has been updated and revised in 2024. 

Michelle moved to San Antonio eight years ago and yet still feels like a newcomer. She is rather smitten with the Alamo City. She and her husband met at Texas A&M and started their marriage in Minnesota. After six years of very cold winters, they returned to Texas. Michelle has two kids (12 and 9), along with a very quirky rescue dog and two rather cute guinea pigs. A former corporate food scientist turned part-time yoga instructor, she still takes her food very seriously—she just doesn’t get paid for it anymore. She is fueled by tea, cold brew coffee, yoga, dog walking, books and quickly googling answers to her kids eleventy million questions.