Back to school time and school supplies go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly - but the cost of supplies does not leave us with the same warm, fuzzy feelings of that nostalgic sandwich. Here are some...
We're just around the corner from the much anticipated return to school. Although you may be excited to have a sense of "normalcy" in your home again, you may also be dreading the amount of work it takes to...
Getting your little one’s first haircut is a rite of passage. Suddenly your baby, be it your first or last, doesn’t look quite like a baby anymore. With just a few snips of a hairdresser’s scissors, the sweet little...
Depending on your kiddo, summer reading can be a chore. Not sure how to flip the page and get your children into reading? Free summer reading programs can keep kids turning pages—and earning rewards. Using a free summer reading...
San Antonio has a LOT to offer in terms of education, and I think every mother would agree that their child's education is one of their top priorities. One of the most common requests I get from parents is...
This summer was an exciting one. It was the summer before my oldest daughter started kindergarten. As a dyslexia therapist, reading is obviously a huge passion of mine. I was so excited to start teaching my...
I think it is pretty safe to assume that most of us are thrilled that the world is back open, and our routines and lives no longer revolve around staying away from others. This also means that many of...
This fall was an exciting one for us! My oldest daughter started kindergarten. As a teacher myself, I knew she would thrive, but I was also worried about the big transition from a small private Pre-K to a very...
"I noticed you didn't eat your lunch today. Talk to me a little more about that." In all honesty, this wasn't the first time I had noticed. For several days she had been eating her lunch in the car...

Report Card Rewards

As my child has gotten older, I’ve realized how his attitude at the end of the day resembles mine after a long work day. We’re both ready to put the “day” away and focus on the things we enjoy...
It’s interesting how much of our kids’ lives are bookmarked by the stages of school. With my youngest heading to middle school, I’m mindful that our elementary years are over. (Yay for no more shoebox projects; boo for no...
Dear teachers, As a mom to a gaggle of kids, I'm a little consumed this time of year. I've spent hours at the store going over different school supplies lists and checking off stuff as I throw it in my...
We have partnered with HEB to bring relevant and important information to ACM readers through this sponsored post. The first few days of school can be overwhelming and intimidating, even for returning students. While enjoying lazy days and loose schedules...
It's back to school time and things seem more expensive than ever. If you're staring at school supply lists wondering where to find that semi-hex graphite drawing pencil, a rainbow of poly folders and enough glue sticks to stretch...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?