“Do not try. Do.”—Yoda It started when she was about three years old. Our beautiful girl had trouble with words. I didn’t catch it as soon as my husband did because I stayed home with her all day, and she...
It was one of those days.  Both kids woke up cranky, my husband was out of town, naps were too short, someone was pushed into the corner of the wall, milk was spilled at dinner, tears were shed, Mommy...
Fluff. Turn. Stare. As I gently prepared my babies' nursery for their arrival, I began to think about all the things that could go awry with their birth. I was 24 weeks pregnant with twins and home on bed rest, a tubutaline pump...
As part of Alamo City Mom's blog partnership with Brain Balance Achievement Centers- San Antonio, I had the opportunity to sit down with a mother who has first hand experience with the Brain Balance program.  This post is the...
This past March, after many years of struggle and turmoil in our family, we finally discovered my four year-old son, Tommy, has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). In her book, No Longer A SECRET, Dr. Lucy Jane Miller describes  SPD, "...in simple...
In motherhood, we form bonds that are unique to this stage in life and unlike those previously made. This common thread of motherhood connects us to the women surrounding us, and friendships take on a whole new meaning. Perhaps...
March is learning disabilities month. I like the phrase Different Learners (DL). For the rest of this post, I'll use DL to refer to Different Learners/Learning. Those are also my initials. So, there's that. When my kids struggle with someone,...
Education is a passion of mine.  As a first grade teacher, I have the honor of teaching children to read.  I truly love my job.  I also have the unique role of developing a relationship with parents and their...
If you looked inside my purse a few months ago, you would’ve found a baggie with a penny taped to a popsicle stick, a button hanging from some yarn, and a bunch of other strange objects. These were all...
Last week Alamo City Moms Blog had the opportunity to celebrate the Grand Opening of San Antonio's Brain Balance Achievement Center. This new resource, brought here by local momtrenpreneur Amanda Petter, is part of a network of centers designed...
As part of our partnership with Brain Balance Center of North San Antonio, I was able to talk to the mom of a little boy whose behavior and overall well-being changed drastically after being involved in the Brain Balance...
One thing I love about kids is their eagerness to befriend others. Whenever we visit the playground, I enjoy watching these cute, little humans accept each other immediately and wholeheartedly—it makes my heart happy. So imagine my surprise when...
I think it is pretty safe to assume that most of us are thrilled that the world is back open, and our routines and lives no longer revolve around staying away from others. This also means that many of...
Imagine what it's like to be a doctor, only to be told your child has something you can't diagnose or fix.  This is exactly how Charlotte felt when she, an elementary school educator and counselor, continued to watch her...


¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio? is a weekly update on family friendly and focused events in the Greater San Antonio area, including Boerne, New Braunfels,...