If I had to pick one thing that is saving my life right now, it would be my book club.  I realize book clubs are nothing new or revolutionary, but mine has one unique twist that sets it apart: it...
When I found out I was pregnant, one of my oldest friends—and I mean that as longest, not old, so we don’t get confused—told me I was considered “Advanced Maternal Age.” She learned this herself when she got pregnant...
Aging is awesome. Sure, it’s the nemesis of mankind, but if I can forget for a moment that I’m inching closer to death every moment, I can really enjoy each new year and the gifts (or challenges) it brings....
Spring is my favorite time of year in San Antonio. The bluebonnets are out, it's not 1000 degrees yet, and best of all, the patios are poppin'. With the decrease in COVID cases and rise in vaccinated adults, my...
San Antonio is a wonderful city to explore museums, musical performances, and theatre. As the pandemic has continued, it has made it more difficult to attend such venues and events. But never fear, there is culture and art all...
Before you roll your eyes and scroll on to something else, I’m not talking about staring deeply into the mirror to motivate yourself to do whatever. Please. We’re moms. Who has time to look in the mirror??? I’m talking about...

My Day Starts at 9:00 P.M.

It’s dark outside. The lights are all off in the house, except one lone beacon guiding you through the treacherous stretch of matchbox car- and Lego-lined carpet that used to be your clean living room. You make a mug...

In Defense of Facebook

I’ve recently decided that my spirit animal is Jim Halpert from The Office. For those of you that don’t know the show (bless your heart) or his character, he is cast as the average, no-nonsense, logical office worker in...
Cuando tus hijos pasan 9 horas en la guardería y has aprendido a aceptarlo Era mi primer día de regreso al trabajo después de tener a mi segundo bebé y cada que me preguntaban por él, mis ojos se ponían...
My internal alarm clock is set for 4 am, although I often mentally snooze until 4:30. I require some "me time" with a cup of coffee before the kids get up because after that it's go time and I...
If you’re like my husband and me, you have probably watched or at least heard of the Apple+ series Ted Lasso. The premise of the series is an American football coach from Kansas moves to England to coach a...
Mi bebé, Hoy me quedé viéndote dormir, has crecido demasiado rápido y el tiempo se ha ido entre mis manos. Muy pronto, el bebé que acurruco en mi pecho se transformará en un pequeño niño que andará caminando por todos...
Family Picture Day. These three little words strike more fear in a mama’s heart than almost any other combination of words in the English vocabulary. If you watch closely, her eyes will dilate and her deodorant will be put...
My daughter just finished her freshman year and—full disclosure—this time last year I was a nervous wreck about sending her to high school. Oddly enough, I had the same exact concerns and apprehensions about sending her to high school...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?