Ahhh, the holidays. Halloween is in full swing, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. It’s the most magical - but also the most stressful - time of the year. Right in the middle of creating magic,...
Looking outside – or at the thermostat – it’s hard to believe that whatever you want to call our February Freeze/SNOVID-19/Snowmageddon/Snowpocalypse/Elsa’s Revenge ever happened. My kid was blissful in shorts this week and I’m sure he wasn’t the only...
PLEASE CHECK WITH EACH VENUE/EVENT FOR CURRENT TIMES, CONDITIONS, AND STATUS PRIOR TO ATTENDING. Are you as ready as we are for the return of fireworks, barbecues, and parades for the 2023 Fourth of July celebration? We have curated the...

Two Meals, One Chicken

I am always looking for ways to make our groceries stretch a bit further. Below I share two fairly simple and, ingredient-wise, flexible recipes. Generally, I purchase produce that is in season and/or on sale, so my ingredients vary...
When I was little, living in Mexico in a small town 60 miles away from Laredo, I used to hear about Thanksgiving celebrations, but it wasn’t until I got to the U.S. that I truly understood its meaning. I...
This blog post is sponsored by Messenger Kids. All opinions and experiences using the platform are the author's.  Like it or not, San Antonio mamas, our children are part of the digital age. It’s at once exciting and terrifying. They...

My Top Fails in 2020

The start of a new year brings a breath of fresh air and rejuvenated feelings for what we can accomplish in the coming months. It’s no secret that most of the world has been looking forward to this year,...
As Valentine's Day fades into memory and Easter is still a month or so away (depending on the year!) it is fun to have a March holiday to look forward to. St. Patrick's Day is certainly a holiday that...
Looking for something new to do this holiday season? Start a new tradition with these San Antonio holiday events. From lasers to tamales, there’s something for everyone to enjoy, so add a new holiday tradition with these 10 musts...
How many trick-or-treaters will you have this Halloween? 10? 20? More? One out of every 13 is likely to have a food allergy. I know, it gets old: gluten-free, dairy-free, fun-free, whatever-free. Most schools now offer allergy-friendly zones. As frustrating and cumbersome as it...
"We’ll figure it out as we go." I believe that’s a direct quote from my newly married, easy breezy, childless self, six years ago. “No big deal... Our kids will make a decision about religion when they come of age.”...
The season of love approaches, and whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day with all you’ve got or think it’s a sorry excuse for an over-commercialized February holiday, you’ll find that the Alamo City always delivers on romance. Valentine’s Day may be just...
When my kiddos were babies and toddlers, a portion of our day was made up of park playing and stroller riding. (I was the one running behind the stroller!) I took advantage of the plethora of parks here in...
It’s hot!! And the heat is here to stay, with KSAT News predicting that this year San Antonio will beat its record for the most 100-degree days. But we love summer and we need our kids to stay active...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?