
Baby, Breastfeeding, Feeding Journeys, Infancy, First Time Mom

I knew that I wanted to breastfeed from the moment I found out I was pregnant.  I assumed that it would be a natural and easy process. Haven't women been doing this since the beginning of time?  I read...
For as long as I can remember, I looked forward to breastfeeding. My mother speaks quite fondly about her own experience, so I always assumed I would follow in her oversupply footsteps when my time came. When I became pregnant...
Breast feeding all three of my babies was labor of love. For me, breastfeeding was not easy and it was only due to sheer determination that kept me going, especially when it was time to go back to work...
Pregnancy is a time unique to any other in your life. For 40 weeks, you are creating life, sharing your body with another, and experiencing a beauty like you've never known. While many documentaries follow specific story lines or have certain...

Managing New Mom FOMO

*FOMO previously defined by Alamo City Mom Blog post "It’s OK to Say No: Missing Out on FOMO." Being a new mom means getting used to all sorts of things. For me one of these is FOMO—or more accurately, managing...
As my new niece was being welcomed into the world last week, I was reminded how overwhelmed a mama can be once they are home with new baby.  Whether it’s the first baby, or number 3, here are some...
"Wait, there's another one." "Another what?" "Another heartbeat. It's triplets. You're having triplets." Out of the corner of my eye I saw my husband shoot out of his chair and bolt to the bed I was lying in. He grabbed my hand,...
I was at lunch with a fellow attorney (and mommy) a couple of weeks before returning to work from a four-month maternity leave when she leaned in, winked, and said conspiratorially, “I'll bet you’re excited to be done with...
ACMB is happy to partner with Yummy Organics to share information with our readers. This is a sponsored post.   Your baby’s nutrition started in the womb with your bountiful diet of fruits and vegetables. Now it’s time to move...
Trigger warning: this post will talk about pregnancy loss and pregnancy after loss. If you’re not in a place to read this right now, I send you so much love and encourage you to save it for a time...
  When I moved to San Antonio seven years ago, it was one of the biggest adventures I had ever embarked on—and one of the loneliest. I knew no one besides my husband—we moved here because of his job. In...
I was adamant that I was NOT going to breastfeed. It took way too much work and I was not cool with flashing my boobs to feed my kid. Formula also seemed super simple, so that was that. (Spoiler...
From the day my second child was born, this question popped up as frequently as any other: Will you have another? I couldn't help but immediately think about Kevin Bacon's hazing scene in Animal House. Initially my reaction was, "My...

What’s in a name?

I recently had one of those moments, the kind where time stops and I can suddenly see myself from the outside. I was conscripted away from my sink of dishes to play “school” with my four-year-old. She was the teacher,...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?