
Baby, Breastfeeding, Feeding Journeys, Infancy, First Time Mom

On Saturday, November 5, 2017, my baby girl turned 40 weeks old. I gave birth to Anabel when I was 40 weeks plus 3 days into my pregnancy. She’s now been cooing, giggling, and bringing wonder and amazement to...
For all that is written on the subject of beginning that ultimate bonding relationship with your baby known as breastfeeding, I feel like precious little space is devoted to detailing what happens when you (or your baby) decides to...
It’s like a standoff in a western, but no one’s holding a gun. The weapon of choice is eggs. And the person looking me in the eye is my 12-month-old baby girl. Along with the eggs she also seems...
As expectant moms, we put a tremendous amount of work in the preparation of all things motherhood. We work on nurseries, birth plans, prenatal and postnatal care and picking out the cutest outfits for our bumps and our little...
Can your nursing relationship survive while working full-time? Yes, it is possible!  I breastfed for a total of 4 years, which includes 12 months of pumping, while serving full-time in the United States Air Force.  After some reflection, I realized a lot...
My bag is packed, I am 37 weeks tomorrow, and I am really hoping for some encouraging news the next time my OB examines my cervix. I am done, mamas. This is baby #3, pregnancy #5, and I am...
Amanda: Hi friends, Amanda, with Alamo City Moms here. We are with Courtney who's the owner of Crib and Kids. She's at her store right now. You can see behind her how many goodies she has in there. And we're...
A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to take a trip to the beach with a group of good friends.  Amidst many laughs, the topic of motherhood came up and one mom said, “Those first two weeks after...
So you’ve just had a baby! Congratulations. I hope you’re doing OK and getting some (any?!) much-needed rest. You might be too sleep-deprived to have noticed it yet, but the holiday season is upon us! Christmas is just a...
Dear First Time Moms, There’s something happening, and it’s beginning to be a real problem. Here’s the trouble, my tired friends – magazines, baby books, that $5 app that I did love but that hinted at my maternal deficiencies, or perhaps...
From the day my second child was born, this question popped up as frequently as any other: Will you have another? I couldn't help but immediately think about Kevin Bacon's hazing scene in Animal House. Initially my reaction was, "My...
When I do the math, I've been pregnant or nursing for the last 11 years. My routine was to nurse a baby for a year, and then get pregnant. My sister had her first baby about 6 months before...
For those of you that are familiar with my blog (which has been severely neglected lately), you might be sick of hearing about my boobs.  As someone once pointed out to me, "You talk about them a lot."  But I...
My sweet surprise baby,   Ages before I even knew whom I wanted to marry, I knew that I wanted you, my own daughter. When I did marry, I married a man who wanted you too. Little did we know at...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?