When my kiddos were babies and toddlers, a portion of our day was made up of park playing and stroller riding. (I was the one running behind the stroller!) I took advantage of the plethora of parks here in...
Over the years, I have been asked more times than I can recall, “Which camera is best?” Or, I’ll be approached by someone who just acquired a new camera and wants to know how to use it. It’s nearly...
There are few things in life that come close to giving me the same fulfillment, happiness, and meaning as giving to others. Growing up, my mom made it a point to bring us with her to St. Vincent De...
From the time a toddler can hold a Crayon or sit still long enough to dip his chubby little hand in finger paint, kids are making art. Lots of art. Some of it is truly wonderful, and—if we’ll allow...
"Leisure shopping" is a thing of my past. In my current, stay-at-home-mom situation, online shopping has saved me too many times to count. I've purchased furniture to underwear to gifts on Amazon. A few items stand out above the rest...
The whole “it’s not you, it’s me” is annoying. As women, mothers, and spouses, we're used to the idea of doing anything we can to avoid hurting others' feelings (which, in general, is a pretty good way to think)....
Yes, you read that right. You should interview your OB for your upcoming birth to be a part of your birth team. Sure, this provider has been there for you through annual pap smears, mammograms, random pelvic pain visits,...
I'm what you might call an "avid reader." I have been for as long as I can remember. I've probably spent more nights reading than partying into the wee hours. I remember, as a kid, reading anything I could...
In our house, the worst word you can say is “budget.” Anytime my husband mentions the word budget, I immediately think about all of the Amazon Prime packages that I have received in the last week and tell myself...
I was very fortunate to be raised by a dad with a lot of DIY skills and a lot of tools. On top of his experience renovating properties, it helped that his personal motto was "Knowing how is not...
In my 40s, I have become somewhat complacent about lots of things: where I eat, where I get my coffee, my beauty regimen, where I shop for my clothes, where I go for outings with the kids, and yes,...
A video circulated a while ago with a dad and his daughter doing their daily affirmations. It was heartwarming and empowering and all those things that make viral videos happen. Never one to pass up an opportunity to improve...
It's Women's History Month and I want to not only celebrate woman who did not follow the status quo, but also introduce you and your children to books about these amazing ladies whom many of you might not know....
My husband likes to say that I get more done before 7:00 A.M. than most people get done all day. Now, while the jury is still out on whether he’s being passive-aggressive when he says this, there is some...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?