Looking for something new or different to entertain and engage your littles? Why not add some free—or almost free—activities that are fun and can help your kids develop their fine motor skills? That's anything that helps those fingers and...
Tackling your holiday shopping with twinkling lights, music, and fun, perhaps even with a drink in hand? Yes, please! If you want to actually enjoy your shopping excursions and land unique gifts this year, add shopping holiday events to...
San Antonio has an exciting new distinction to boast! In its inaugural year, a new Day of the Dead San Antonio 2019 celebration is putting down roots here, and the buzz that this event is generating is positively supernatural! This...
San Antonio offers a variety of things to do and ways to have fun that don’t cost anything!  If you’ve read my articles before, you know I love finding FREE and discounted opportunities. With the holidays rapidly approaching, a...
As a small-town girl from West Texas with deep ranching roots, February has become one of my favorite months of the year to live in San Antonio. The San Antonio Stock Show & Rodeo feels like home to me,...
Looking for holiday fun and more things to do with your family? There is no shortage of things to do in San Antonio this season, so once you’ve enjoyed the lights on the River Walk, get out and explore...

Report Card Rewards

As my child has gotten older, I’ve realized how his attitude at the end of the day resembles mine after a long work day. We’re both ready to put the “day” away and focus on the things we enjoy...
I haven't intentionally seen the other side of midnight since Justin Bieber went through puberty, alright, friends? I'm what you might call "a sleeper". I need a lot of sleep to be a functioning contributor of society. I shouldn't...
Alamo City Moms Blog is thrilled to partner with the San Antonio Public Library (SAPL) to bring you information on their vast array of resources and programs for both children and adults of all ages. With a good month of...
What do The Pandemic, working from home, and a freak winter storm in Texas have in common? If you guessed the ability to put a damper on the romance in your relationship, then you're right! These days, we are...
If your family’s anything like mine, Spring Break isn’t always the ideal time go on a week-long family getaway. Between job responsibilities, budget limitations, and timing issues, getting away for a long stretch smack dab in the middle of...
Did you know there is a "secret" garden at Phil Hardberger Park that is filled with Texas wildflowers in the spring and is visited by a variety of different butterflies, bees, and birds throughout the year? I say secret,...
Back to school time and school supplies go hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly - but the cost of supplies does not leave us with the same warm, fuzzy feelings of that nostalgic sandwich. Here are some...
It would be great if I had an unlimited budget, to whisk the family away to Disney for Spring Break or even spend each day visiting San Antonio's amazing theme parks. But if you are on a budget—and most...


¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio? is a weekly update on family friendly and focused events in the Greater San Antonio area, including Boerne, New Braunfels,...