Want to make your yard a butterfly haven? It is easy to do with the right plants! Butterflies need two types of plants to survive: 1) host plants and 2) nectar plants. You’ll want to include both types of...

Keeping Posadas Alive

Holiday Parties in Mexico are called Posadas (Poh-Sa-das). This is a tradition that started in colonial Mexico and has carried on since then. They were originally held in the nine days or “novena” before Christmas Eve symbolizing the nine...
October is finally here! The days have found their own natural rhythm after the chaos of the back to school season. I’m finding myself calm as the seasons transition, and at the same time, I'm realizing just how quickly...
There is something about the start of Fall that makes me want to get lost. Not in the never ending roadworks or road closures affecting us this season - in a corn maze, of course! In South Texas we...

My Real Life Valentines

  Dear school car line rule followers, Oh, how I love you. Thank you for staying off your phones, keeping a correct distance between cars, and simply paying attention. I wish there were more people just like you. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Me ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Trader...
If your family’s anything like mine, Spring Break isn’t always the ideal time go on a week-long family getaway. Between job responsibilities, budget limitations, and timing issues, getting away for a long stretch smack dab in the middle of...

Crock-Pot Craze: I’m in!

In case you are like me, and have been hiding under a rock and only recently joined the Crock-Pot craze late in the game, this post is for you! I registered for this wondrous kitchen appliance as a wedding gift...
Creativity has long been a part of my life. From making dioramas and writing short stories as a kid, to altering my clothes as a teenager, to focusing on creative writing in college, to honing my craft as a...
December 24th is my absolute favorite day of the whole year.  I love everything about the day before Christmas. Beginning the moment my eyes fly open on Christmas Eve morning, I relish in the hustle and bustle of finishing up...
Este mes, cumplo 10 años de trabajar para la compañía que me vio convertirme en mamá y no puedo evitar pensar en lo mucho que han cambiado las cosas desde que inicié. Hace poco, observaba a una de mis...
Perfect for a literary pumpkin patch, a special activity with the kids or to indulge your own crafty needs, these painted pumpkins re all the cute with none of the pumpkin guts or carving. Supplies: Hollow craft pumpkin (black and...
It's Christmas season 2021, and I'm celebrating this year with a 10-year-old and a 12-year-old. Throughout this year, I've noticed the changes in my daughters. Slowly, we've moved away from glitter and princesses and closer to black combat boots...
The other day while strolling through Target, I came across a Valentine count down—14 days of surprises like an advent calendar. I had been thinking about how happy my kids were with our Elf on the Shelf during December,...
Alamo City Moms has partnered with a variety of local businesses to provide you this list of area camps being offered. This round-up includes camps during: Spring Break Thanksgiving Break Winter Break Single Day School Holidays (ex: President's Day, Martin...


Alamo City-Area Library Summer Reading Programs

Summer is upon us, and the name of the game is, "Keep the Kids Occupied." Many schools send home summer reading tasks but reading...