At the end of the day I feel as if I have nothing left to give. In the middle of taxiing the kids around for their extracurricular activities, keeping a semi-clean house, grocery shopping, cooking and maintaining some semblance...
After what was maybe the worst November and December of my work life from a mental health standpoint, I could not wait for the office to close for the holidays. Even though I was working remotely most of the...
It can be an uphill battle in our house to get my two daughters to put down their iPads and head outside. As a Texas Master Naturalist, I’m always looking for creative ways to get them out enjoying nature....
It’s that time of year. Mother Nature is bipolar, giving us temperatures ranging from blazing to freezing in a matter of hours. Everyone is trapped indoors, coughing. Sniffles begin, and germs go wild. No matter how many times you...
Some days I feel like a badass. I’m single, working, volunteering, getting gym time in, being a “good” mom. I even have a social life—go, me! I’m totally sure I have everything covered, all wrapped in an acceptable, society-approved...
The clock reads 4:00 A.M. and I finish nursing my newborn. I place him in his crib and he falls asleep quickly. I snuggle back under the covers, eager to sleep when my brain randomly pulls out a memory...
Periods, menstruation, Aunt Flo, moon time, that-time-of-the-month…No matter what you call it, periods can be quite the hassle. They come when they want, and overstay their welcome, bringing with them moodiness, cramps, headaches, sore breasts, aching back, and everything...
Hello, my name is Shanti and I am a chronic oversharer (it’s totally a word). I am a big fan of therapy and modern medicine to help us deal with all life throws at us. I do not pretend my...


AHHH-mazing Spas in San Antonio

Need a tranquil escape from your hectic schedule? Have a craving some pampering? Just looking for a gift for someone who deserves both? If...

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