Teachers, counselors, librarians, principals, and social workers are back to work as school begins for the school year. We educators enjoy summer break. Our stress level lowers, and we enjoy time with our own children and families. But when...
We have partnered with HEB to bring relevant and important information to ACMB Readers through this sponsored post.The first day of school is rapidly approaching! That phrase elicits elated fist bumps for some, tears of despair for others. When I rounded the...
This fall was an exciting one for us! My oldest daughter started kindergarten. As a teacher myself, I knew she would thrive, but I was also worried about the big transition from a small private Pre-K to a very...
  As a librarian, I love this time of year!  It’s a chance for me to get acquainted with a room full of books that have been resting all summer in my unusually quiet library, as well as unpack boxes...
Before we know it school days—and more importantly, rushed chaotic school mornings—will be upon us and, despite the last stretch of summer outings and lying by the pool applying sunscreen to my red-headed, pale-skinned babes (bless you, SPF100), I...
It's that time of year again. The displays with pencil boxes and crayons abound store entries. My Facebook feed includes a multitude of "First Day" pictures with children sporting huge smiles. Target commercials with catchy tunes and talk of...
We’re all in the throes of back-to-school mayhem: an exciting, sometimes emotional and always busy time of year. With contributors who have infants at daycare to college-age students, we’ve got a lot of favorite products and ideas to help...
I want to preface this article by disclosing that my child has been to six preschools. Yes, six. Being that my daughter just turned three, I realize she’s averaging two schools per year. However, before you judge me, let...
It's almost here. The day I've been dreading for the past eight years is almost here. My baby is about to start kindergarten, and I'm going to be an empty nester. OK, the nest won't be completely empty, but...
Ah, back to school. For many, it’s the most wonderful time of the year! Backpacks are purchased; summer reading books are (almost?) complete; the aisles of every store in town are bursting with pencils, erasers, and stickers; and everyone...

DIY Teacher Gifts

We're just a few days shy of the first day of school here in San Antonio. Help get your minis more excited about going back by involving them in making a DIY teachers gift. If your minis are anything...
This San Antonio schools guide is a paid listing opportunity, brought to you by Alamo City Moms as well as the many school partners listed. Thank you to our sponsors who made this guide possible! We hope it is a...
Summer wound down a whole lot faster than I was expecting. The slow pace of summer has quickly dissolved into the hectic rhythm of a new school year. Our boys (Davis, 10 & Patrick, 9) started a new school...
One of my favorite times of the year is the moment that summer seasonal items transitions to pencils, notebook paper, and folders. OH MY! School supply lists have been donning the aisles of Walmart and Target since late June,...


¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio? is a weekly update on family friendly and focused events in the Greater San Antonio area, including Boerne, New Braunfels,...