You have the power in your hands. The power to make or break your child's popularity standings, baby cool factor and, really, to impact the trajectory of their entire future, and this is the month when it happens. Halloween is...
Looking for more about great parks in San Antonio? Check out our updated guide! The Best Parks in San Antonio Hardberger:  it's the crown jewel of the San Antonio park system.  So much to do!  Such natural beauty!  If San Antonio...
September 23 was the first day of fall. Immediately, Starbucks started selling pumpkin spice lattes, Halloween decorations went up, and friends across the country posted Facebook pictures of their kids bundled in sweaters and boots as they traipsed through...
It's Christmas season 2021, and I'm celebrating this year with a 10-year-old and a 12-year-old. Throughout this year, I've noticed the changes in my daughters. Slowly, we've moved away from glitter and princesses and closer to black combat boots...
Staying home is not my thing. I like being on the go, seeing and experiencing new places with my kids. All of that came to a screeching halt the week after Spring Break thanks to COVID-19. When the Texas...
October is finally here! The days have found their own natural rhythm after the chaos of the back to school season. I’m finding myself calm as the seasons transition, and at the same time, I'm realizing just how quickly...
So you’ve just had a baby! Congratulations. I hope you’re doing OK and getting some (any?!) much-needed rest. You might be too sleep-deprived to have noticed it yet, but the holiday season is upon us! Christmas is just a...
If you know the name Aquarena Springs or Ralph the Swimming Pig, you’ve been around the Austin-San Antonio area for a while and remember the billboard and ads that used to tout Ralph’s water skills and the fun you...
When I hear the words “kids” and “crafts” in the same sentence, I confess I always cringe a little. Many projects that are supposed to be fun quickly lose their luster when I discover that either (1) my child...
"Dancing bears, painted wings, things I almost remember..." these lyrics echoed much of my childhood being that my name is the namesake of the movie in which they are sung. To me the lyrics from, "Once Upon a December,"...

What is Ramadan?

In my very first class as a law student, I arrived early so I could grab my favorite seat.  Halfway back in the lecture hall, halfway down the row. Right in the middle. I have been so very thankful...
Whether you love it or hate it, Valentine's Day comes around once a year. The expectations, the build up, the disappointment, and the joy, sentiment, and fun - all wrapped up into one pink and red covered holiday that...
During this time of social distancing, many of us have adopted new hobbies or gone back to something that we haven’t done in a long time: from painting and crafting, to cooking and exercising, among many other things. In my...
If ever there was a year that needed a bit of extra sparkle, 2020 is it. The glow and twinkle of holiday lights seems to make everything brighter, cheerier, and festive. And even better: you can walk around and...


Take Mom Out to Eat: Mother’s Day Brunch Spots in San...

Any day is a great day to take Mom out to eat, but on Mother's Day, it's even more special! Even better, you (and...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?