Summer is quickly approaching, which can only mean one thing: Teacher Appreciation week is upon us!  If you’re scrambling for a last minute gift idea, I've got you covered. Tell your child's teacher that they are "On Point!"  with...
My two boys are in first grade. I spent the better part of their Kindergarten year complaining about school stuff.  I guess you could call me a reformed complainer. Don’t get me wrong: there’s plenty of stuff about first grade...
A few days ago, I noticed the face of one of the teachers at my kids' school on the "people you may know" feature of Facebook. I noticed we had some mutual friends, so I clicked on her page....
Once the school supplies has been purchased and pictures of the first day of school have been taken, it’s time for parents to begin their own homework. According to Texas state law, the school year is 75,600 minutes long,...
Full confession: I am a coach's wife. So even though my children haven't participated in every sport under the sun (yet), I have a heart for all the mamas out there getting ready for the busy seasons of extracurriculars...
Alamo City Moms Blog has partnered with University Health System to bring important information to our readers. This is a sponsored post provided by Jennifer Northway, the Director of Injury Prevention at UHS. WHEW! YOU DID IT! You made it...
Hey there, parents! It's not long now until our little darlings head off to school (if they haven’t already gone back!), and boy, are we going to miss them. I am sure we have all spent the past two-and-a-half...
We’re all in the throes of back-to-school mayhem: an exciting, sometimes emotional and always busy time of year. With contributors who have infants at daycare to college-age students, we’ve got a lot of favorite products and ideas to help...
August brings all the feels. The feeling of summer slipping away, the excitement of a new school year (the smell of a new box of crayons is always amazing), and maybe the feeling of Christmas looming and a sense...
Before we know it school days—and more importantly, rushed chaotic school mornings—will be upon us and, despite the last stretch of summer outings and lying by the pool applying sunscreen to my red-headed, pale-skinned babes (bless you, SPF100), I...
We have partnered with HEB to bring relevant and important information to ACMB readers through this sponsored post. In our house, we've purchased our glue sticks, colored pencils, and dry erase markers in bulk. We've got bright new shoes (with shoelaces...

Hey Summer, Bite Me

It hit me today. I've officially reached that point in the summer where I'm done. I'm not just done. I'm so-flipping-done-I-might-lose-it done, stick-a-fork-in-me-and-serve-me-straight-up-to-the-month-of-January done, I-may-or-may-not-have-just-signed-a-petition-for-year-round-school done. Done, y’all. Just done. I love summer. Come Memorial Day, I'm all, “Wee!...
We have partnered with HEB to bring relevant and important information to ACMB Readers through this sponsored post.The first day of school is rapidly approaching! That phrase elicits elated fist bumps for some, tears of despair for others. When I rounded the...
Around these parts (read that in your best Texas drawl), most kids have completed over a month of school. Shoes are less shiny, pencil erasers have already been worn down, and the excitement of "back to school" is a...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?