“Write so others can understand without you explaining what it says.” I told my son this the other day. Even though he can correctly spell many words at 6-years-old, his handwriting is a challenge. Ever since he started pre-handwriting...

Escritura Para Niños

“Escribe para que quien lea pueda entender” - le dije el otro día a mi hijo en primer grado. A sus 6 años y aunque puede deletrear correctamente muchas de las palabras que están a su nivel, aún enfrenta...
“Homeschool your kids," they said. "It’ll be fun,” they said. Have you ever considered homeschooling your child? This time last year, three moms and I decided to embark on a homeschooling adventure with four toddlers. At times it was...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?