School is around the corner, and as much as I would rather continue to bask in the laziness of summer, I am starting to plan ahead. I have the supply list from my kids' schools, I’ve entered the school...
We’re all in the throes of back-to-school mayhem: an exciting, sometimes emotional and always busy time of year. With contributors who have infants at daycare to college-age students, we’ve got a lot of favorite products and ideas to help...
Ah, October. Pumpkins, cooler weather, and football season are in full swing. And by now, your child may have told you about a kid or two in class who might bully either your young one or someone else. How...
  Summer is starting to wind down, and back-to-school craziness is about to hit full steam. The first day of school is right around the corner, which means it's almost time for those obligatory back-to-school photos! Like many of you,...
I am one of the lucky ones who was able to leave my job and stay home with my daughter 24/7 after her birth. I’m not here to split hairs about the pros and cons of the stay-at-home mom...
The beginning of the year is just as nerve-wracking for the teachers as it is for the students and parents coming into the classroom. The week before school starts is full of training, organizing, and asking questions: What will...
En tan solo unas semanas, mi hijo mayor entrará al kínder y no puedo evitar sentir ansiedad, quisiera poder predecir lo que va a pasar, cómo se va a sentir, de qué manera voy a poder apoyarlo y tantas...
Alamo City Moms Blog is partnering with Learning Foundations to share more about their services with our readers. This is a sponsored post.  Jennifer is burned out and at her wits' end because every night she has to fight the...
It's teacher appreciation week, which means a lot of pressure will be coming your way from your kids, the school and the PTA! Everyone wants to make sure that we show our teachers how much we love them. When my...
Alamo City Moms Blog is happily partnering with Little Sunshine's Playhouse & Preschool® to share information about early childhood education. This is a sponsored post. Potty training. Feeding journeys. Mobility and first steps. First words (and then so. many. words!)....
We are thrilled to have partnered with The DoSeum to bring our readers the latest information about San Antonio's new Children's Museum. It's no secret that the Alamo City is a wonderful place to raise a family, and the...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices to make about what is best for you, your family, and your child. We at Alamo City Moms Blog have a variety of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of...
To my youngest, This is your very last week of preschool. Only two more Tuesdays and Thursdays together. Only two of our "special days" left, when we go on play dates, have friends over, or go to the store and...
Dear J.K. Rowling: Thank you for Harry Potter. Your books have been life changing for my family and a fantastic gift for us to share together. I may be an ocean away from you, but oh, how I’d love to...


Alamo City-Area Library Summer Reading Programs

Summer is upon us, and the name of the game is, "Keep the Kids Occupied." Many schools send home summer reading tasks but reading...