If you are like me, then you were a bit of a judgmental jerk before having children. There are countless examples of things that “I would never, ever do” as a parent in which I now engage on a...

Kindergarten Blues

I have always loved school. On my first day of first grade, I woke myself up in the middle of the night, got myself dressed, grabbed my backpack and sat at the kitchen table, where I greeted my startled mother...

Life with a Lovey

I willed the Gods for it. I dropped coins in a fountain for it. I spent 37 hours on Pinterest making an Oprah-approved vision board for it. And then it happened. I finally birthed a child who developed a major...
I don't know if starting kindergarten for the first time is more stressful for the children or their parents! There is much more that goes along with this milestone than just walking into school on the very first morning....

Six Port Aransas Treasures

Eleanor, Beverly, Parsons, and Sadie watch for enemies aboard the Red Dragon Pirate Cruise. Even though we are all in the throes of back-to-school mania, guess what? Here in San Antonio, we still have plenty of summertime left in spite...
Mistakes happen to the best of us - it's just one of the ugly truths of life. But is there anything worse than making a mistake and knowing you have no one to blame but yourself? I’m sure we can all...
My internal alarm clock is set for 4 am, although I often mentally snooze until 4:30. I require some "me time" with a cup of coffee before the kids get up because after that it's go time and I...
Alamo City Moms Blog is excited to be partnering with the San Antonio Children's Museum for our First Birthday Bash :: A Moms Night Out Event.  San Antonio is a city rich with history and we are known throughout the...
The beginning of the year is just as nerve-wracking for the teachers as it is for the students and parents coming into the classroom. The week before school starts is full of training, organizing, and asking questions: What will...
Early this morning, I posted this status message: Shocked about Robin Williams. The small thing I can do, every day, is to be open about the fact that I have struggled with depression. If someone decides to not hire me, not...
Have you ever taken something for granted because it’s close by? We live within walking distance of Barney Smith’s Toilet Seat Art Museum. It’s one of Alamo City Moms Blog's ABCs of summer activities, so I put it on my summer bucket...
Do you have a student that is about to start middle school? Or even high school? Are you constantly being pestered to buy her a phone (a real smartphone…not the iPod Touch for babies)? Or to let her have...
As a lactation consultant, childbirth educator and doula, I rarely discussed how long I breastfed. Students and clients knew I’d passed American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization initial recommendations. Both recommend exclusive breastfeeding the first...
When I do the math, I've been pregnant or nursing for the last 11 years. My routine was to nurse a baby for a year, and then get pregnant. My sister had her first baby about 6 months before...


MTFBWY – Decoding Star Wars

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… Well not that long ago, and not really that far away, a youngling watched Star...

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?