Harlandale ISD consists of 14 elementary schools, 4 middle schools and 4 high schools. We offer Pre-K – 12th Grade. We pride ourselves in knowing that we are a family working together and that our goal is to help our students succeed in their education. We have an Early College High School where students are able to advance with their college education through our partnership with Alamo Colleges. Through our Harlandale Education Foundation, all students that graduate from our district are able to receive a scholarship for their future education. We have many different programs at every school including after school activities, athletics, dual language programs, CTE programs and many more. We invite you to visit our website http://www.harlandale.net for more information there you can find an interactive tour of our middle schools and high schools and the programs that are offered, at https://www.harlandale.net/hisdcareerandelectivepathways
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HarlandaleFamily