
Baby, Breastfeeding, Feeding Journeys, Infancy, First Time Mom

When I had my daughter at the end of January, I knew that my world would be rocked forever. I felt like I had just gotten into a good groove parenting my 5-year-old son, and I finally thought, “Okay,...
It’s like a standoff in a western, but no one’s holding a gun. The weapon of choice is eggs. And the person looking me in the eye is my 12-month-old baby girl. Along with the eggs she also seems...
Amanda: Hi friends, Amanda, with Alamo City Moms here. We are with Courtney who's the owner of Crib and Kids. She's at her store right now. You can see behind her how many goodies she has in there. And we're...
Motherhood comes with a host of choices to make about what is best for you, your family, and your child.  We at Alamo City Moms Blog have a variety of moms who want to embrace these choices instead of feeling...
I was at lunch with a fellow attorney (and mommy) a couple of weeks before returning to work from a four-month maternity leave when she leaned in, winked, and said conspiratorially, “I'll bet you’re excited to be done with...
I remember the first diaper I ever changed on my daughter. It was the longest two minutes ever and I thought I might have damaged her for life. Not because anything bad happened, but because I started thinking about...
ACMB is happy to partner with Crib & Kids, a local baby and kids' furniture retailer, to share information about their store and an upcoming event in this sponsored post.    Mark your calendars for June 21 from 11-1!  Crib...
As soon as he was born, my son seemed to absolutely love sticking out his tongue. He did it while he was sleeping, when he was awake and hungry, during tummy time... anytime he felt like it, and it...

Lactation Law 101

It seems like yesterday that I was dealing with it: still in a postpartum haze, picking up my briefcase, and heading back to the office a mere 12 weeks after my first daughter was born. I had a snazzy...
The nuttiest thing I’ve ever done didn’t happen in my teens or under the influence of alcohol; it happened when I was at my wit’s end, trying to stay awake to feed my little one at 3:00 A.M. My...
  When I moved to San Antonio seven years ago, it was one of the biggest adventures I had ever embarked on—and one of the loneliest. I knew no one besides my husband—we moved here because of his job. In...
As my new niece was being welcomed into the world last week, I was reminded how overwhelmed a mama can be once they are home with new baby.  Whether it’s the first baby, or number 3, here are some...
My youngest is about to turn eight, and today I started poking around for his birthday book in preparation to write my annual letter to him. (Read: in hopes that I wouldn’t completely forget to write my annual letter...
I had an extremely medicalized, heavily monitored pregnancy and C-section, and because of that (and, you know, COVID) I never really considered the option of finding a doula to help support me at the end of my pregnancy. I...


Beat the Heat: The Best Splash Pads and Water Fun in...

The end of the school year is just around the corner, and the weather knows it! Summer temperatures have arrived, and across San Antonio...

Summer Planner