I started geocaching with my kids a couple years ago during a brief go at homeschooling. We’ve continued tracking down caches since then, and it’s the perfect way to add an extra dose of excitement to our regular outings...
OK, so I may be a little biased, but one of the many things I love about Alamo City Moms Blog (ACMB) is the variety of stories we share each day with you, our wonderful readers. Our team has experienced amazing growth since...
Kids and personal electronic devices: it's a frequently discussed topic. Articles abound offering advice about how much time your kids should (or should not) spend on their iPad/Kindle/phone, which games on Xbox/Wii are acceptable (and which are not), or...
As I kiss and hug him goodbye and linger to see that his school day starts well, every cell in my body wills him to have a good day. The mommy voice in my head pleads Listen, focus, try....
Around these parts (read that in your best Texas drawl), most kids have completed over a month of school. Shoes are less shiny, pencil erasers have already been worn down, and the excitement of "back to school" is a...
When you think of “wine country” you probably think of Napa Valley, California or Bordeaux, France. You probably don’t think of Texas. Think again. I grew up in San Antonio but spent most of my adult life in other places. Over...
We are thrilled to have partnered with The DoSeum to bring our readers the latest information about San Antonio’s new children’s museum. The DoSeum isn't just a fun place to take your kids to let them burn off some energy;...
Alamo City Moms Blog is excited to partner with Super League Gaming, the first in-theater gaming league, to bring you the latest on their after-school tournaments in San Antonio. You've heard of soccer moms... Now meet Minecraft moms (and dads)! Parents...
If you have been downtown recently, perhaps to catch a show at the Magik Theatre, you may have noticed that Hemisfair is in the process of being redeveloped. The park, which had seemed sort of hollowed out ever since...
I am a checklist kind of person. I enjoy writing down my to-dos and then crossing them off. Recently I bought a notepad called the GSD master list. It stands for "Get Stuff Done," only "Stuff" is actually replaced...
PTAs Are Doing It Wrong | Alamo City Moms Blog

PTAs Are Doing It Wrong

  Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs) are doing it wrong. They spend too much time and energy on things that don’t matter for our kids’ education, and they leave out many of the people who desperately want to help. PTAs spend too much...
Early on a recent Saturday morning, my family of six bounded out the door in matching t-shirts. Our destination: the San Antonio Food Bank. The company I work for was participating in a large-scale, city-wide volunteer activity, and big groups of employees...
It's the most wonderful time of the year...football season! And in this house, it holds status as high as another holiday season that warrants decorating, specialized meals, and large family gatherings. Nothing delights me more than football season: GameDay on...
The nuttiest thing I’ve ever done didn’t happen in my teens or under the influence of alcohol; it happened when I was at my wit’s end, trying to stay awake to feed my little one at 3:00 A.M. My...


Alamo City-Area Library Summer Reading Programs

Summer is upon us, and the name of the game is, "Keep the Kids Occupied." Many schools send home summer reading tasks but reading...