
Brooke graduated high school from right here in San Antonio. After twelve years of living everywhere from Colorado to Greece, London to Atlanta, she and her husband have made San Antonio home and have become parents to their daughter and son. Brooke loves finding undiscovered activities around the city and dragging her kids along! She is a runner, an amateur cook that loves trying out San Antonio’s growing culinary scene and is actively involved in non-profit organizations in San Antonio.

Alamo City’s Amazing Mom Finalists | Brittney, Ranka, Carrie

We have loved sharing our finalists for Alamo City's Amazing Mom contest with you this week.  You can see our first six finalists here and here. Today we continue with our next set of...

Alamo City’s Amazing Mom Finalists | Lauren, Candice, Anastasia

Yesterday, you had the chance to meet three of our finalists for Alamo City's Amazing Mom contest. Today, we are introducing you to our next three finalists! As a reminder, we will be introducing our...

A Summer of Innovation and Entrepreneurship with VentureLab {Sponsored}

San Antonio seems to be leading the country for entrepreneurs, makers, creators and developers.  We have local businesses like Geekdom paving the way and making national headlines, successful local businesses like Rackspace that encourage...

Alamo City’s Amazing Mom Finalists | Danni, Caitlin, Cheryl

We have been in complete awe of the moms that were nominated in our Alamo City's Amazing Mom contest! We have loved learning about the women in our community.  Narrowing our submissions down to...

Alamo City’s Amazing Mom Contest

Look, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a SUPER MOM!  They are all around us - moms that amaze us, inspire us, challenge us to better or show us how to be better...

Alamo City Moms Blog’s Guide to Fiesta

It's the most wonderful time of the San Antonio, that is!  A rich part of San Antonio's personality is made up by our annual celebration, Fiesta. We've showed you how to get ready...

Dear Disney {A Letter Concerning Frozen}

Dear Disney, {begin standing slow clap} I applaud you.  You’ve really done it this time.  You’ve created a MONSTER in my house.  And when I say monster, I mean a 3 1/2-year-old, song belting, costume wearing,...

Moms For Moms Day

One of the things we love most about Alamo City Moms Blog is the feedback that we hear from you all when you say that you feel like you've found a mom on our...

Let’s Talk About Sex: Sex After Babies

One of the topics greatly underserved in the postpartum world is that little three-letter word that carries so much stigma.  That’s right - S. E. X. You always hear it thrown around... talk that sex...

Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week

In a week where we are celebrating all matters of the heart, it's only appropriate that this week is also one dedicated to Congenital Heart Defects and Childhood Heart Disease. CHD is considered to be...

National Birth Defect Awareness Month & Omphalocele Awareness Day

Today, I wear black and white.  And each January 31 for the rest of my life, I will wear black and white.  I do this because January 31 is Omphalocele Awareness Day.  Earlier this...

2014: Hit the Ground Running – Part 3 {Sponsored}

In our 2014: Hit the Ground Running Series brought to you by New Balance San Antonio, we’ve covered gear and tips to getting out on the roads. Today, we’ll talk about safety. Getting out and...

2014: Hit the Ground Running – Part 2 {Sponsored}

We have partnered with New Balance San Antonio to kick off our 2014: Hit the Ground Running Series.  Last week, we covered all you need to know about the gear you need - shoes,...

2014: Hit the Ground Running – Part 1 {Sponsored}

2014 is in full swing and with a new year comes resolutions.  I know, I know.  You make them every year - stop swearing, no sugar, start exercising, keep the house clean.  Some how,...