The topic that often gets me emotional is kindergarten readiness. Should I immediately send my son to kindergarten, or give him one more year to roam the wild frontier of childhood? As a parent of a 4-year-old boy, this...
Are you tired of plastic, battery-operated, flashy toys that your children seem to "get over" in minutes?  Do you wish it was a little easier to find high-quality, educational toys?  The moms at Little Pnuts felt the same way.  It's...
Almost five years have passed since I became a mother to my daughter, Harper. Four-and-a-half years of parenting hardly makes me an expert, but I can’t help but shake my head at all the things I didn't know when...
The first time I traveled with Jack was when he was six weeks old.  In my sleep deprived state of mind, I booked a ticket for the two of us to visit my family in New Orleans. I then...
Looking for more about great parks in San Antonio? Check out our updated guide! The Best Parks in San Antonio Hardberger:  it's the crown jewel of the San Antonio park system.  So much to do!  Such natural beauty!  If San Antonio...
Think fast, hot shot. You need to get your toddler in her car seat and she wants your car keys. Do you: Refuse to hand over the keys, deal with a tantrum, and struggle to strap the kiddo in while...
Alamo City Moms Blog is thrilled to partner with Walmart Online Grocery to explain more about the convenience of their online ordering and pickup service.  My husband is the grocery shopper in our house. I make the list and he makes...
Like any good Texas girl, I was obsessed with horses and my red Roper cowboy boots when I was growing up. I didn’t realize “cowgirl” was probably not a realistic career option for a city girl like me until...
When people see my kiddo eat, they always get surprised. Why? He is not a typical preschooler with his appetite. He doesn't like fries, mashed potatoes, or macaroni.  Instead, he has a taste for foods like teriyaki and broccoli. ...
I want to preface this article by disclosing that my child has been to six preschools. Yes, six. Being that my daughter just turned three, I realize she’s averaging two schools per year. However, before you judge me, let...
I could feel the sweat building up under my arms. My six-month-old son was safely strapped to my chest in my Baby Bjorn, while my five-year-old daughter followed 10 feet behind. These two were not the problem. The reason...
Although it might be a bit of a stretch to say that autoflush toilets have ruined my life, I can confidently tell you that—for a period of time, anyway—they came close. What is your first thought when preparing to...
Alamo City Moms Blog is happy to partner with the San Antonio Auto & Truck show to bring San Antonio families information about their upcoming four-day automotive event. The 47th annual San Antonio Auto & Truck Show rolls into town on...
When we say we're here for all moms—we mean it. We don't, in the slightest, just mean 'perfect' moms, in ideal marriages, with sparkly lives. We mean the moms who get STDs from their partners, who feel incomplete without...


¿Qué Pasa San Antonio?

¿Qué Pasa San Antonio? is a weekly update on family friendly and focused events in the Greater San Antonio area, including Boerne, New Braunfels,...