Spoiler Alert: Even parents of preschoolers should keep reading! When I was quizzing my friends and my feminist teen about what parents of teens want or need to know, one of the big topics that came up was consent. It...
The phone rang at 11:23 A.M. today. I already knew who it was. It was THE call I had fantasized about for the last three months. THE call determining the life I would now have. The size of my family...
Alamo City Moms Blog and the City Moms Blog Network is thrilled to announce our second annual Costco Mom Hour. We love Costco and are excited to partner with them again. Costco provided us with $100 in Kirkland Signature...
Do y’all feel a little tingle in the air today? A slight rustling in something other than the leaves? Perhaps you are really craving that Pumpkin Spice Latte this morning, and a soft voice from the great unknown is...
Alamo City Moms Blog is excited to partner with Boerne Handmade Market to bring information about the family-friendly event being held this fall.In a world of mass-made gifts, products, and goodies that crowd the shelves of super stores we all...
Ah, I love fall, with its crisp air, colorful leaves, cool mornings, boots, jackets, scarves, and football. Oh wait. This is San Antonio. Only one of those things is actually true right now. I spent last Saturday at a...

Embracing the F-word

A fun fact I learned as a big fan of the Stuff Mom Never Told You podcast, "feminism" was coined by a man. A dude. A dudely philosopher, Charles Fourier, who observed how poorly women were valued in the 19th century....

San Antonio on My Mind

San Antonio, you've been on my mind. It started a few weeks ago when I came across a San Antonio bracelet. I don’t consider myself a huge San Antonio cheerleader, but something pushed me to get it. Don't get me wrong—I...
Yes, it’s October. And it's the official season of Pumpkin Spice Everything. Actually, I'd say fall arrived early for our coffee beverages because I saw the first Pumpkin Spice Latte post on September 1—before Labor Day!   I'll pay reverence...
"The Ritual of Homecoming and the Sacred Mum" is an integral chapter in The Handbook of Texas Traditions. (Other chapters include "Why Your In-N-Out Argument is Invalid," "I Told You the Lord Hates Bare Legs; Go Back Inside and...
Alamo City Moms Blog is thrilled to partner with BASIS.ed, a dynamic American educational network that manages world-quality schools. Today, the Director of Student Acquisition at BASIS is on the blog sharing more about their growing charter schools in San...
When children in San Antonio experience a mental health crisis, where do they go? Every year, thousands of children find help at Clarity Child Guidance Center, a facility that serves children ages 3–17 with inpatient and outpatient mental health...
In case you missed it, 'tis the season of Pumpkin.  Thanks to trend-exploiting food companies and grocers, you can now consume pumpkin in just about every conceivable food. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my pumpkin in traditional...
We have partnered with HEB to bring this relevant information about HEB's new Curbside Delivery Service to our readers. There once was a lady who skeptically doubted that curbside grocery services were to be touted. This lady was high maintenance, by her own...


Beat the Heat: The Best Splash Pads and Water Fun in...

The end of the school year is just around the corner, and the weather knows it! Summer temperatures have arrived, and across San Antonio...

Summer Planner