Happy Thanksgiving!

Are you looking to start new Christmas traditions with your family? Everyone loves creating special holiday memories with their children, and we found a great place to do just that! Several years ago, my little blended family began what...
tip 'Tis the season for cookies, eggnog, and chestnuts roasting. It's also the season where you may or may not be taking a road trip to see family. I don't want to project all my own neuroses on you, but...
The holidays are here!  You’re ordering pumpkin spice everything and those cinnamon-y pine cones are popping up everywhere!  (Yes, cinnamon-y is a word.)  I savor every single *drop* of Christmas, because before you know it, the holidays are over, and...
With Chanukah sneaking up a bit early this year, I’ve been browsing possible toy options to add to our collection. If you're just looking for toys (and it isn't a general trip to the store), here are some places...
Looking for an easy, kid-tested, momma and teacher approved recipe for something to make with your child this Thanksgiving?  I have tried everything from fruit kabobs to homemade butter, and trust me, these Oatmeal Aggression Cookies are a winner....
The preparation, the traditions, the squeals of joy and quiet moments of thanks - we lock those feelings and memories away in our hearts every year during the holiday season. Capturing those memories with the camera helps us relive...
Why Do We Believe In Dual Language Education? The number one question we get when people find out our children are learning in Spanish 90% of the day? "Do you guys speak Spanish?" “No, my husband and I don’t speak fluent...
If your children are anything like mine, they begin compiling their holiday wish lists around (if not before) October. “Ooooh, I want that!” my preschooler shrieks, her eyes feasting upon a commercial featuring eight-year-olds and glitter body art. (Um,...
Okay, turkeys. Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I don't know about you, but a few weeks ago I started to become slightly concerned about my kids' table manners (or lack thereof). Contrary to popular opinion in my...
So there I was, feeling inadequate as a meal planner, home decorator, and human being.  You know: Pinterest.  Just before I succumbed to the particular form of despair that overtakes those who know only two ways to tie a scarf,...
I'm a big fan of statement jewelry! I've been slowly but surely adding to my ever-expanding collection and recently picked up a few necklaces and a couple of rings. Statement pieces are great. They show and enhance your personal...

Thanksgiving Tips

I love hosting Thanksgiving! I come from a close, extended family and our regular ‘ol Sunday gatherings easily exceed 15 people. I embrace family gatherings and it warmed my heart last week when Dude said Thanksgiving was his favorite...
STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is a hot topic these days. Teens can build interdisciplinary skills through competitions in robotics and cybersecurity, but what opportunities are there in San Antonio for younger children to get excited about...


Beat the Heat: The Best Splash Pads and Water Fun in...

The end of the school year is just around the corner, and the weather knows it! Summer temperatures have arrived, and across San Antonio...

Summer Planner