Kids seem to make for a busy season of life. And when you’re in that season, it’s easy to get wrapped up in all the commitments: sports, activities, playdates, not to mention work. Before you know it, every time slot is taken and there’s very little downtime to relax as a family. Whether you work or stay home, home school or not, life seems to be moving fast for everyone. When it comes to my family, I’ve noticed an uptick in commitments for myself, sports, and playdates. As I enter the third trimester of pregnancy, I find myself wanting to do less. As someone with a Type A personality, it’s usually very easy for me to juggle a busy schedule. But as my energy wanes, and our time as a family of four comes to an end, I find myself consciously wanting to slow down and do less. Less commitments, less things on my to-do list. More days spent at home just doing chores or relaxing together. Here are the ways we are intentionally slowing down in this busy season of life.
Cut Back
Are you, and/or your kids, too involved? Too many extra-curricular activities, too many sports, too many obligations? Too many irons in the fire? At some point, the burnout sets in. I think it’s important to give our kids time to just be kids; before you know it you’re onto college (or a job) and you get to work for the rest of your life. The only time you’re free of obligations and responsibilities is when you’re a kid! And that is so sacred. As someone who did way too many sports and extracurricular activities in middle school and high school, I can tell you that the burnout is real. By the time I got to college, I was done. And my grades suffered because of it!
For your kids, sports, FFA/4H, and other extracurriculars can build character and teach responsibility. But when your kids are exhausted, stressed, and over scheduled (even if maybe they don’t outwardly express it), it’s no longer doing them any favors. Help them to choose what they’re good at, and what they actually enjoy.
For you, make a list of every commitment that’s taking up your time, and stick to the things that are most important to you in this season of life. Maybe instead of weekly commitments, they can be once or twice a month. Maybe you have to stop a certain commitment for now, but you come back to it later. Streamline and minimize and do what works best for your family.
Make Family Time a Priority
This one will look differently for every family, but amongst busy schedules, how can you make family time something that is consistent and meaningful? Maybe its sitting down and playing with your kids (especially if they’re young), family walks in the evening, dinners together at the table. Even a weekly family game night! [Side note: I’m a 5th grade catechism teacher and out of 16 students, NONE of them had ever played a board game. They all play video games, alone, without family connection.] However you do this, choose a realistic way that will get your family together to create meaningful connections. This might mean saying no to other outings or cutting back on optional obligations, but creating a strong family bond and spending time with your children is always worth it!
Reschedule It
Some weeks it seems like you’re being pulled in all directions. The calendar is chock full of errands to run, practices, commitments, and playdates, on top of grocery shopping and laundry. And sometimes it’s just too much! I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to say no. Reschedule the playdate, do a curbside pickup for groceries, and fold the laundry another day. Prioritize what has to get done, and reschedule the rest. Sometimes we all need a break and it’s okay to take one!
For me, personally, I am a stay at home mom with a 5- and 2-year-old, and a third on the way. We run a small homestead, so my days are spent taking care of the livestock, tending to the garden, baking bread, homeschooling, and keeping the house together. We mix in playdates, story time at the library, daily mass once a week, and a mom’s group I started at church. On top of all that, I help my husband run our Landscape Architecture business. I’m usually not a homebody, but lately my schedule has felt so packed that all I want to do is stay home and enjoy the nice weather with my boys. Slowing down has felt so nice, and really helps me to appreciate each and every day with my children and husband, even the hard days! Life is so short, and these years with our babies are fleeting. Taking the time to intentionally slow down in this busy season of life has been so rewarding. Don’t worry about packing your schedule or getting your kid involved in every sport and activity. What matters most is spending time together, and cultivating a strong family bond that will last a lifetime!