Sometimes when times parenting gets tough, you need a little inspiration from others who are going through the same thing. Here are some thoughts from well-known San Antonio area parents to give you a little encouragement to adult today.
“This is one of those moments a woman dreams of coming home to. It’s the most unexpectedly beautiful spaghetti I’ve ever seen because I didn’t have to make it!”
—Erika Prosper Nirenberg, 2019 Women’s Leadership Awards: Woman of the Year and First Lady of SA
We All Need A Break Now and Then
“Oh, Lil’ Mamacita… how I loved this amazing summer with you, but sorry to say, YOU NEED TO GO! Go and get your education on, girl! Mama can’t afford your all day snack-eatin’, million-question-asking, cell-phone-stealin’, stuck-to-my-hip chicle ways. I know one day I will miss those stinky little toes in my face, but for now I’m ready for you to go to school.”
—Samantha Najera, CEO of HeartFire Media
Daylight Savings Time Messes with Everyone
“No matter how old I get, every year when we fall back and gain a hour it always catches me off guard and blows my mind when I look at the time…for the first time.”
—”Spurs Jesus,” local celebrity
PS. Heads up: Daylight Savings ends and we “fall back” on November 3, 2019.
Miracles Do Happen
—Isis Romero, TV news anchor
You Have To Be Flexible
“As a mom, you know that your plan is just that—a plan that is very subject to change! And as long as nobody was hurt and there’s no irreparable damage, all is well in the world. It’s perspective, really.”
—Elizabeth Chambers Hammer, journalist and owner of Bird Bakery
This is a Real Thing
“Getting my son @Whataburger tonite [sic], just like he had for @spurs Game 1. #superstitions #SPURSvTHUNDER #SpursNation”
—Ricardo Chavira, actor
Give Yourself a Break
“Don’t tear yourself down when things don’t go as planned or you fell short in living up to your idyllic parenting standard.”
—Leslie Jones, TV personality
You Need a Moms Night Out
“Can we have a lot more? We’re ubering; don’t worry.”
—Penny Ayarzagoitia, reality TV star on Bravo’s Texicanas
It Happens to Us All
“Who knew floats could explode and rain SNOW in August?”
—April Ancira, Vice President of Ancira Auto Group
Make the Time
“The number one thing that I would say is don’t buy that little argument about quality time and quantity time. Quantity time is quality time. Being there is way more important than you think.”
—David Robinson, former San Antonio Spur
Different is AWESOME
“Many times people speak about special needs as being a negative and I’ve seen it as nothing but a positive. My daughter and I are much closer than we would have ever been because of her special needs.”
—Gordon Hartman, founder of Morgan’s Wonderland
Go Big for Your Kids
“Now is the time to be bold and fearless in our ambition for our children and grandchildren, and for our future.”
—Julián Castro, former Mayor and Presidential Candidate