School Calendars for Districts in the San Antonio Area, 2020-2021

There are a lot of school districts in San Antonio, and each school district calendar is a little different. Many of these school calendars will continue to change as plans evolve for the 2020-2021 school year. Please check the calendars frequently and we also suggest following your school or school district on social media for the most current and up to date information.

ACM will continue to update this post as needed, it was last updated June 8, 2020.

Public School Districts in/around San Antonio

Alamo Heights ISD*

Floresville ISD*

Select Public Charter Schools:

Select Private Schools:



Looking for last year’s calendars? Visit the 2018–19 edition of this guide. Or, looking for a calendar that’s not listed here? ESC Region 20 (based in San Antonio) has links to more public school districts, including public charter schools. For those readers in Austin-based ESC Region 13, their site also includes ISDs and public charter schools within its boundaries.

What do you notice from this list of schools? For one thing, there are a lot of school districts in the San Antonio metropolitan area. Also, some calendars have longer school years and start earlier than they used to. Several local ISDs (marked with *) have District of Innovation status, which (among other things) gives them more flexibility in setting school calendars.
What determines the length of the school year? HB 2610 (84 R) set the school year at a minimum of 75,600 minutes. Within those constraints, each school board has the final say about academic calendars; take your concerns to them, either by letter, at a public meeting, or on election day.

Did we miss your school or see a correction? Please leave a comment below to let us know or email us. We hope this list of calendars is a helpful resource for you.

A fifth-generation San Antonionian - who happened to spend her formative years in Austin - Amanda loves the SAT from the confetti in her hair to the bluebonnets under her feet. Never one to miss a reason to host a party or decorate for a theme, Amanda revels in the 'mas Fiesta' attitude of the city. She's mom to Vivi (2012) aka #HurricaneVivi, Mac (2020) and wife to Francois, whom she met at Texas A&M (FTAC '05). She has a Masters in Early Childhood Education and a Doctorate in Making it Up As She Goes - which means she's a sometimes-fun-mom. You can find her on Instagram . She loves confetti, croissants, and a cold Ranch Water. Favorite Restaurant: Piatti's Favorite Landmark: Johnson Street footbridge in King William Favorite San Antonio Tradition: Fiesta Medals