Summer Arts and Culture Sessions with The Circle School
This spring our community has celebrated the transition of our unique school culture and curriculum into an effective distance learning program. This summer, we will build on that success by offering a variety of programs in a distance format for children ages 7-14. Engaging weekly opportunities have been designed for children to learn and explore together with skilled teacher support.
Our long-running summer tradition of Arts and Culture Sessions such as Dr. Seuss Central, Messy Science, DIY Fashion, and Southern Cooking will still be hands-on in this new format! Prior to the start of the session, students will be provided with prepared materials and a home supplies list to be paired with daily virtual instructions, connections and demonstrations. We offer a full menu of choices to inspire every aspiring chef, artist, poet, or engineer to follow their individual passions and interests.
Summer programs at The Circle School will run from June – July. You are welcome to sign up for one session or for the whole summer!
Visit for registration and details.