Jr Doctor

JR doctor logo.png

Does your child love to learn about STEM topics or about the Human Body or Harry Potter?  We are currently offering $10 online Classes Monday – Friday.  Your kids will love every class and learn about new topics and gain valuable knowledge every class.  Check out our website for specific classes and times.  30 minute classes online but hours of additional fun and learning at home.

JR doctor logo.png 2 years ago
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TipeeVille logo.jpg
San Antonio, TX, USA 0 mi
TipeeVille specializes in pj parties with personalized teepees. You choose the theme you want and we will take care of the rest.  We set up and pick up the next day. We have different packag[…]
You’re constantly giving, giving, giving. You give time to your family, your friends, your job, and if there’s any time left, you donate it other places, as well. But where is the time for y[…]
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San Antonio, TX, USA 0 mi
Windsor House Nannies is an award-winning, full-service nanny placement and sitting service agency serving Austin, San Antonio, and its surrounding areas. We want to bring to Texas the Great[…]
Hello! My name is Denise and I am a Mom of two amazing kids that keeps me very busy. I am from Oregon, but have lived in Texas for the past few years. I love helping people. I spent over 15[…]
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