Ahhh, the holidays. Halloween is in full swing, and Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. It’s the most magical - but also the most stressful - time of the year. Right in the middle of creating magic,...
You can chalk this one up in the "things no one prepares you for" column: your Kindergartener comes home talking about the "gold coin" her bff received from the tooth fairy last night. Suddenly, extracting that first wiggly tooth...
Looking at the calendar and wondering what you can still fit in this holiday season? There are plenty of San Antonio holiday lights and activities you can still enjoy. Get out and see why so many people consider a...
It's the most wonderful (and hectic) time of the year! As moms, we know that the holidays are one of the busiest times of the year (in a close tie with summertime shenanigans). Our to-do lists get longer, the...
The halls of our supermarkets are filling fast with holiday wonders. Clever visual merchandisers are luring us in, tempting us with irresistible displays. I love all the seasonal items. I love all the events and festivities. It is truly...

Dreidel Treats for Hanukkah

Hanukkah (or Chanukah) is the Festival of Lights, taking place over eight days somewhere between late November and late December in our modern calendar. The lighting of the menorah each night is meant to remember and honor the story...
When Charles Dickens self-published A Christmas Carol in 1843, it slowly intensified the previously dwindling ardor toward Christmas. Dickens offered a reminder—or maybe for some, an introduction—into a deeper meaning behind celebrating Christmas. Something that emphasized a charitable notion...


10 Fun Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as a Family in...

When you’re in the thick of parenting kids — especially little ones — it can be difficult to find the time (or inclination!) to...

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