Passing on PSL: Cold Brew for Life
Yes, it’s October. And it's the official season of Pumpkin Spice Everything. Actually, I'd say fall arrived early for our coffee beverages because I saw the first Pumpkin Spice Latte post on September 1—before...
Rinse, Wash, and Repeat: On Mostly Cloth Diapering
We cloth diaper! Mostly.
I remember when I told my husband, Justin, I wanted to cloth diaper. Let’s just say he didn’t buy into the idea at first.
A friend of mine took an afternoon to...
A Piercing Question
My Puerto Rican mother said her parents pierced her ears before she left the hospital as a baby, but that wasn’t the case for me. And in a classic case of “he said, she...
Have infant. Will (try to) travel.
“Six Tips for a Successful Trip with Baby.” That email landed in my inbox about two weeks late. But it still didn’t cover what I missed when we took our five-month-old daughter on our...
Managing New Mom FOMO
*FOMO previously defined by Alamo City Mom Blog post "It’s OK to Say No: Missing Out on FOMO."
Being a new mom means getting used to all sorts of things. For me one of these...