
Ariana grew up in San Antonio but left home to attend the University of Florida (Go Gators!), where she met and fell in love with her best friend and future husband. Justin’s professional pursuits brought them back to San Antonio, via grad school for them both at UT Austin. Happily calling the Alamo City home for more than a decade, the new parents welcomed a baby girl, Anabel, into their lives this past January and are excited to share the city they love with her. Ariana works as a communications and marketing director for a local nonprofit and is already counting down the days to next year’s Fiesta! She occasionally maintains her blog Corkscrew Curiosity.

Passing on PSL: Cold Brew for Life

Yes, it’s October. And it's the official season of Pumpkin Spice Everything. Actually, I'd say fall arrived early for our coffee beverages because I saw the first Pumpkin Spice Latte post on September 1—before...
cloth diapering

Rinse, Wash, and Repeat: On Mostly Cloth Diapering

We cloth diaper! Mostly. I remember when I told my husband, Justin, I wanted to cloth diaper. Let’s just say he didn’t buy into the idea at first. A friend of mine took an afternoon to...
ear piercing san antonio

A Piercing Question

My Puerto Rican mother said her parents pierced her ears before she left the hospital as a baby, but that wasn’t the case for me. And in a classic case of “he said, she...

Have infant. Will (try to) travel.

“Six Tips for a Successful Trip with Baby.” That email landed in my inbox about two weeks late. But it still didn’t cover what I missed when we took our five-month-old daughter on our...

Managing New Mom FOMO

*FOMO previously defined by Alamo City Mom Blog post "It’s OK to Say No: Missing Out on FOMO." Being a new mom means getting used to all sorts of things. For me one of these...